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Obesity in America

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by miros, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    Fellow RomUlation Members,

    At the bottom of this post is a link to a form that I had to make for a school project that had to deal with the rise of obesity in America. If you are willing to take a couple minutes out of your day to complete my poll, I would be greatly appreciative. Please be honest if you are going to, as I would prefer to have the data not corrupt. Thanks,

    Poll for School Project
  2. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    *cough* Try the General Discussion Board.
  3. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    I may not be American and I may not be obese[Not saying your saying I am] in fact people call me skinny, but really come on these people say it was video games [from not exercising] you can get fat, following models [makes girl try to be to skinny so now they trying to do the opposite] and know its vending snacks.

    No seriously if they want to know what makes us fat is

    All the school work
    - You can't go outside cause you either have to literally keep your grades up [They don't go any higher than 100% meaning the grade can only go down]
    - and who doesn't have parents who ground you for not doing homework, I don't

    A lack of recess time
    - Less recess means less people go outside at recess because of being late for class, some people aren't as lucky as I am, I live 15mins from home and recess is for 40mins

    Washroom time
    - CAN'T GO when I come to school (people eat breakfast)
    - Can't go Not before recess, not after recess and not before school ends that means only leaves one period

    Why Big Mac is less healthy than a Salad
    First most people need to realize the Stomach mashes your food together for example your food is like tissue paper teared up, but in can't be put together unless you get it wet.
    The Stomach has acid that can put together food and as for most people who don't think the reason why you loss weight from eating a salad cause as its fused from the stomach and being packed in the intestine the very "thin" salad pretty much rolls up into a piece of spitball as for meat it gets crushed into a very large marble.

    Why is it good to be Fat and what is "Fat"
    First as most don't know Fat is protein. How is that?
    - Dairy, Meat & Alternative give you protein which help build body tissue [Where have you heard that?]
    - Body tissue is things like Muscle
    - To much body tissue/protein turns into Fat meaning FAT is a stored Protein or the overflow, surplus

    Second what happens when your body doesn't eat
    - Why do people who are Anorexia have very little muscle its because the muscle is also protein, but with another purpose
    - How does Anorexia happen basically when your body isn't getting anything to eat [Protein most likely] it feeds off the body's protein which is your Muscles and stored FAT

    Last why Fat is good and why I don't believe its unhealthy
    - No fat means your body has to feed on the other tissues [Imagine Stomach acid pouring through your belly]
    - For those who can't get any meat guess what your body does, it eats the fat/protein being stored
    - Cutting the fat of the chicken only means you get less protein which is less healthy, but some of you don't like the taste of chicken fat, but that is the taste of concentrated protein and liver is concentrated vitamins its the reason they don't taste good [Humans absorb vitamins through there liver]

    What if you want to lose or gain weight
    - Yes, carrying around your stored protein is like carrying a backpack full of food and some of us want to lose it
    - The effect of salad only means your eating less so that is not really different from not eating at all as long as you eating enough salad to add up to the density of the meat you would eat
    - But salad can give you a lot of vitamins while avoid giving you a lot of protein compared to liver so by avoiding protein you lose wait
    - Why do protein bars allow you to gain weight. Nuts and peanuts are alternatives meaning they have protein this bars supply little protein, but because they taste so good the quantity of how much you eat goes up and the amount of protein you get goes up

    - To lose weight you need to eat anything that doesn't have protein and don't bother look at the Nutrition Chart cause the percent are only telling you what they detect, not what would happen if you eat the whole box or you can eat little of what contains protein

    - To gain weight you need to eat anything with peanut butter [Its the easiest thing], milk, ice cream [Its the reason you get fat from eating it], nuts, and of course meat like hotdogs, fish sticks and a BIG MAC

    So I say onto you, FAT is good and you can and can't have enough, but the down side its like carrying a large backpack on your back or not getting any protein makes you weak and that isn't healthy unless your working out also its the reason after burning all that weight you get muscles.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    ^^sorry mate, bit overcomplicated there
    try this copied off my MMA site, not just for MMA fighters though, a healthy diet is for everyone

    Under-eating and overeating both have to be avoided, the ideal is to have a balanced nutritious diet that gives you the energy you need to train. Unfortunately this is not an ideal everyone is able to attain, although it should be an easy matter if you understand what goes to make up a balanced diet. All food has a calorific value. A calorie in physics is the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water through one degree centigrade.

    However, a food calorie is the equivalent of 1000 'physics' calories. The number of food calories you consume together with the number of calories you burn up in daily activity determines your body weight. Water has no calories, but is vital for the proper functioning of the body, especially when training hard or living in hot climates.

    The human thirst mechanism is generally regarded as being inefficient and to prevent dehydration it is advisable to drink up to three liters of water per day. Water helps the kidneys to flush toxins out of the body. Attempting to reduce body weight by dehydrating the body is foolish and potentially harmful. Weight lost by sweating in training must be replaced by drinking sufficient fresh water.

    There are six classes of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Carbohydrates such as fruit, vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes and grain products like bread should provide about 50-60 per cent of your calories and provide easily assimilated energy for your training efforts. If carbohydrates are the fuel for the engine, proteins are the oil. Protein is what the body uses to replenish and repair its tissues, and to build up muscle after it has been broken down in training; it should provide 20 per cent of the calories in an athlete's diet.

    Meats, particularly fish and poultry, along with eggs and dairy products provide complete proteins. Fats should provide the other 30 per cent of the calories in a balanced diet, but wide variations in the amount of dietary fat seem to be compatible with good health. Animal fat should be avoided, while vegetable oils such as sunflower oil or olive oil are good sources of essential fatty acids which must be consumed on a regular basis. Because fat is easy for the body to store, excess calories, particularly if consumed in the form of fats, will increase your body fat levels.

    Cutting down on calories consumed in the form of fats will, if combined with daily aerobic exercise to raise the body's base metabolic rate and burn up excess calories, lead to a reduction in body fat levels. Losing fat is the right way to lose weight and a much better approach than crash dieting which is potentially dangerous and leads to a loss of lean muscle tissue mass that weakens the athlete. If the athlete has a balanced diet it will contain the necessary vitamins and minerals and supplements should not be needed.
  5. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys very much for your responses so far!
  6. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member


    I'm American and I'm also a heavy set guy.. let me throw my two cents in..

    Just because your fat, overweight, or obese doesn't mean your not active.. I am pretty active for a person of my weight. I work retail, so I am always on my feet and running around the store.. I have a dirty secret hobby of fishing (and fishing season over in Washington started a few days ago.. fun times) so I'm always outside when I get the chance to and I am a video game fanatic nonetheless.

    Do I blame video games for making me fat? No, I take responsibility for my actions and how I "look" to other people.

    I don't know why everyone outside the US is so fixated on how big Americans get... it is rather creepy though when you think about it, more than half the world hate the US but they care about how fat we are? But my major gripe about everything in general is this.. with all this negative light on the subject of being obese, its almost like people are trying to separate us from the rest of the world. We're human too, not some statistic on the daily news.
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    yeah thats true, i train with some fighters who are over 20 stone and its more fat than muscle
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    While americans are stereotypically obese, its a growing problem in the UK as well, particularly childhood obesity. There are a number of reasons for this. firstly, I think people's diets are deteriorating in terms of nutritional value. fast food and chinese/indian/mexican/etc/etc take aways and 'ready meals' are becoming more and more prevailant, and they arent healthy. Home cooked food is becoming less common in part due to people having less time. Also in single parent families and families where both parents work they don't feel up to cooking after they just got in from work. I also think laziness plays a part here.

    Activity levels are declining among children, partly because of having nowhere to play (all open land gets built on) as well as increased crime (or increased fear of crime) means parents are not as willing to let their kids play outside. then of course there is the litigation culture and the dreaded 'health and safety' brigade that has meant a lot of the games kids used to play at school are now banned in case someone gets hurt (and the parent subsequently sues the school). In some cases poor parenting is a factor, with kids being 'brought up' by the TV/video games that meas they have little interest in doing anything else.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    With this definition in mind, I don't imagine as much people being as obese, sure, bigger than skinny people, but not obese. Also muscle weighs considerable more than fat, so you might look a bit wide or big, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're obese/fat. I have an oncle that looks fat, but he's the strongest person I know.

    A lot of these stories are from the US. Although, it's not only a problem in the US, it's a problem in all richer countries. I think the story first came of light from the US, so it gets called out a lot I guess.

    Media wants the best story to report on, notice how you haven't heard about obesity for a while, that's because the obesity fad story is done with. Same with bird flu, SARS, H1N1 etc. They're all news fads.

    Also 1 death is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic etc tekjksdalfjaw4okjta

    Also I was under the impression that all Americans were fat.

    Fuck that shit. Dodge ball was my favorite gym game to play, I now find out that it's banned in a bunch of schools, same with tag. LAME.
  10. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    Dodge ball NERD RAGE!!!!!
    But that is seriously messed up.. Dodge ball = PE.. they can't have PE without dodge ball!
  11. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    They banned tag? I remember hearing about dodgeball, but not tag

    ugh, in gym it was all about dodge ball
  12. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Dodgeball banned...? This is an outrage... It's the biggest joy to smack somebody down with a ball to the face...

    With right diet you don't have to do sports to be skinny, most americans just eat too much and lack self control.
  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    its not just about been skinny, thats not enough. its about been healthy, this needs diet and exercise
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Yup, along with british bulldog, red rover, knights on horseback and conkers. Some schools allow conkers providing the kids wear safety googles, but most dont allow it at all.

    Its kind of ironic, I remember playing knights on horseback a lot, and while its fairly easy to see how someone could get hurt, I don't actually remember it ever happening, or ever reading about injuries incurred while playing it. On the other hand, I remember a few cases of kids being hospitalised from playing football (soccer) which isn't banned. Of course, most of the serious injuries incurred while playing soccer at my school were the council's fault, as they decided to errect a metal 'school' sign INSIDE the playground fence, and the bottom corner of the sign was at head level for the older kids in the school.
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Some schools ban any sort of violent sport, this includes dodge ball for obvious reasons and tag (kids accidentally push one another).

    As a parent, I really don't care if my kids play those type of games, even contact sports. I mean, if they get hurt in any of the games, it's because of another kid, not necessarily because of the game itself. Plus it's a lesson of hard love.

    Indeed, skinny =/= healthy. As someone can be skinny and have high cholesterol.

    Fuck, I like the first two of those games, never heard of the other two though.
  16. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    Knights on horse back? :eek:
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Basically its a playground game involving 4 (or multiples of) kids, Half the kids are 'horses' while the other half are 'knights'. The horses carry the knights and the aim is to push the opposing knight off his horse.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Like a chicken fight but with horses.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    We called it "piggy back wars" Also, individual schools always tried to ban games, we just ignored them. I managed to dislocate my fingers on 3 separate occasions playing basketball, but when I played murderball I never had more than the odd scrape or bruise. (murderball is when one person has the ball and runs from everyone else who is trying to beat the crap out of the ball carrier to get the ball off them...good times!)
  20. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Used to play that... awesome. It did hurt sometimes though ::)