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Obama, 44th President(Elect)

Discussion in 'General News' started by duderedux, Nov 18, 2008.

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  1. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member

    I can't believe noone else thought about posting something about this in world news.
    What are your thoughts? Any congratulations?Dissapointed?
  2. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of posts in the debates section about Obama and McCain. I'm personally glad that he won, because I was afraid that McCain would've been another George Bush. My big thing is that I hope he can keep his promises and live up to the hype that the media (not Obama himself) is touting.
  3. Gaara92

    Gaara92 Member

    Yeah, now the white house has turned into black house... ;D
  4. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

  5. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    racist much? i personally think the gain in credibility the US will have with most of europe and parts of the middle east will be more than enough to warrant decent approval ratings, plus despite the media hype which not many people could live up too i think overall he will be a very good president.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    hopefully he makes the right choices no matter how bad that choice is.

    one instance is the u.s. auto industry. if by the end of this year the car industry has not found a way to be innovative, they should not be aided. it's a good choice but it's harsh at the same time.
  7. marjet2

    marjet2 New Member

    Things go change now!!!
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The inaugural ceremony concluded without any hitches (yet I was expecting the chopper that took Bush back to Texas would explode minutes upon take off :p ), and President Obama said alot of good things in his Inaugural Speech. So, what do you think guys, will things really change for the better?
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, but not immediately.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    One of the things he mentioned that sounded good to me was the thrust to further Science not for warfare or for Security &/or defensive purposes but for the betterment of living, though the use of Wind turbine & Solar energy to power our needs seemed to be old news. The not so immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces on places like Iraq was good too.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there is one immediate change! a black guy instead of a white guy as president.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I know this isn't the debate section, but I want to expand on your post. So, could this mean that in the future there could also be a Native American President, an Asian-American President, an Hispanic-American President, etcetera who could be elected next? Or heaven forbid, could this just all be a political gimmick to earn the people's trust back?
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Possibly. Only thing thats sure is Patton will never be president unless they change the laws (He's Mexican by birth).
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    lets hope with an intelligent president America will slowly become more intelligent as a whole.

    all they need to do now is remove all the uneducated creationists that are in positions such that they make decisions on schools (no joke they have these people deciding what is learned in schools)
  15. BryantYang

    BryantYang Member

    He seems like he'll be a good President. Let's hope he is because of at the moment I can't decide if he is a good president or not yet because he hasn't done anything yet.
  16. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    I skipped school to watch the Inaugaration!! now i have detention for Biology class. o_O
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Why, was your school a McCain supporter? Just kidding, but didn't you explained where you where & what you were doing at that time?
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    On the news, in the speech, everywhere, it's always f*cking "It's a great day for the african americans", WTF?! It was a great day when slavery was stopped and equality was given! Obama's race has nothing to do with his skill! And he's half-caste ain't he?
  19. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Pshh my biology teacher doesn't care if it's inaugaration. That's why i said 'biology'' techer. For others i was free.
  20. taylorphan

    taylorphan Well-Known Member

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