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Nsf-omg wow

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mickey, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. mickey

    mickey Member

    okay lol nothign you peeps are expecting no hawt images...no loli jsut a simple question

    i got a friend who was watching porn and lol he got seen by his couzin watching porn

    the Hawt cuzin saw *unnamed* watching pron
    so hes self conscious bout how she thinks of him
    and hes in a bad place roght now
    like emo bad
    Any Advice

    and its really funny then shit happeend and wanted to ask

    Who here is around 15-17 and does not yank his chain ???
  2. ssluffy

    ssluffy New Member

    hrmm thats a tough question i wonder maybe

    tell her to come join you...orr

    "unnamed person ur...ur watching porn" Shock
    "its not wat u think couzin. it.its jstu i coudlnt control myself i dont know wats happening..."
    "unamed person..."
    "couzin...i cant contorl myself anymore (huff puff noises)...i...i cant control it anymore.... arghhhhh
    ---------------------------------------------thros couzin on floor and goes on top
    "couzin down here it went big...i dont knwo why...it just grew and grew and i couldnt stop watching...
    "unamed person its okay...its stress let oneesan take care of it"
    "couzin plays with unamed person babalon tower"
    "o no couzin something is coming....ehh no..ah..no...ooOooOo...."
    "unamed person i wont let u jsut yet..."
    pachooo and thus the hehehe begins"

    shouldve done that XD
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I was at a mate's house watching it (another mate put it on and I was told to "watch" and had no idea until it went on...) and the person's mother walked in when it got seriously active...

    5 of us watching it and she walked in...no-one was embarresed...except for the guy who presented it to us :p

    It's a cousin... just tell him "she'll get over it, most guys would have seen just once in their lives".

    If it was his gf I would have said write a apology note...and some diamond earings XD

    If he's "emo bad" as you say just tell him to talk to her...make up an excuse like "I was curious...".

    BTW-I'm emo...and personally emo isn't bad...being suicidal mixed with a want for attention is...PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN ONE THING!

    "Cut up stream...not across it..."

    Post Merge: [time]1260971857[/time]
    It's a cousin...sheesh.

    If it wasn't a family relation...well I already gave my advice.

    Yours is not trolling..it's just a joke with bad timing.
  4. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    A friend uh?
    Yeah...uhuh.. ;)
    Isn't that the same thing?
    Sorry, i'm too old to know what emo means.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    People have different perceptions of what it means.

    I see it as someone who MIGHT dislike the world or has negitive views (like I do) and might dress in that freaky fashion of theirs...

    I don't wear it but on the inside I know what I am..however I don't do self harm...partially because I feel nothing in terms of pain (used to come home with 2nd degree oil burns from last job..wouldn't until I got home and someone pointed them out) ...and a wasted life is the biggest waste
    thier is.

    I was speaking to a friend who people would presieve as "emo" however..she's only become like how she is because all of her friends started commiting suicide...all because one randomly took their life...apparently she was a happy thing who did what normal girls did.

    Besides...emo's as you precieve them only look for attention, a cry for help...hence the sentance "cut upstream, not across it" works...because these people do it sideways not to kill themselves.

    A good trick to make one think is to present a gun and a knife and tell them "take your picK" and when they start crying or tearing up..a slap on the back of the head and tell them "do you realise how stupid you are"...

    That is what my friend did when this girl started cutting herself out of no where.

    Anyways I learnt life is a joyful gift...and I shouldn't waste it...doesn't mean I have to enjoy everything else though, including certain other people's lives "P