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Nothing works, please help!

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by pyro.pagan, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. pyro.pagan

    pyro.pagan New Member

    My son's DSXL has been running on an R4i for months, fixed after the 1.4.1U update debacle, and then (he says) all of a sudden it's not working. We get the black and white error screen of death- "An error has occurred. ..." blah blah blahdy blah. I've formatted the msd card (both a 2 and 4gb), updated firmware to Wood 1.20 from the r4ids.cn site (seems like there should be more than the _rpg and a .dat file to run, but ok, if you say so!), backdated to an older version of the R4 firmware I had saved in a folder and a stable moonshell install, which worked a week ago. No joy. I formatted again, trying the 1.5 version on the r4ids.com site as well- which looks to be an Acekard firmware? err.. ok) and that gives the same error.

    So! I have an r4iGold that I was saving for an occasion like this in case the card was toast. Firmwared it up with the most recent available, and voila! Error.

    Regular carts DO work. I've cleaned the contacts. I've formatted the SYSTEM memory. The DS firmware that's running is 1.4.1U, so the carts I'm using should work with the latest firmware.

    Can anyone help??? :'(
  2. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    you need the lates firmware from the website of your card, problem is that if you son updated the card is blocked you need a new firmware of the programmers in order to bypass said update
  3. pyro.pagan

    pyro.pagan New Member

    Yeah, like I said- we had the latest firmware after the update. That was a couple of months ago, and has been working fine. This is a new issue.
  4. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    your microsd card may be dead,try to use another
  5. pyro.pagan

    pyro.pagan New Member

    I did. I used 2 different 2gb cards and a 4gb, all fat32 formatted. Said so, too ;)
    Post Merge: [time]1293161278[/time]
    Oh, and they're all Kingston, so they shouldn't be a problem, either.