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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by hethann, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    i have a few questions here

    why there are dragon head plans and all those stuff and when can i use them?

    is it nesecary to follow the levels stated in the walkthroughs?
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    You can use the plans once you get to Tokyo, someone there can build the weapons for you.
  3. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    on which mission i can get to tokyo? i am currently at Delhi
  4. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Soon you'll go to Tokyo for the second base of the kabal

    in Delhi you destroy the first kabal base and later on in Tokyo
    you'll find another base and in tokyo you'll find a perrson
    who can build your dragon plans
  5. KDExxx

    KDExxx Member

    And then later you'll get to easter island and get stuck because the dragon doesn't appear. However if he does, and you beat him. PLEASE post a .sav file after for those of us who are stuck. Thanks!
  6. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    freaked out by the high level of Health Points the the creatures above the clouds were...the walkthrough didn't say a word about it...had to restart at the point i have to battle Kakyo
  7. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Don't trust walkthroughs that much. It's more fun if you play without help (although you get extremely pissed.)
  8. KDExxx

    KDExxx Member

    The game is so linear you don't need a walkthrough, it's just brilliant though.
  9. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    can i have the save file for the level where you are on the second mission with your Maverick II where you go to the America continent the one at the Tetihuacan Cave?
  10. KDExxx

    KDExxx Member

    No. Just play it, it's easy.....
  11. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    i am a lazy player...^^ never mind
  12. KDExxx

    KDExxx Member

    Hehe, kind of defeats the fun of playing. If you're struggling with the bigger airship battles, go around fighting easy ones to level up, and buy the upgrades for the Airship asap. It becomes very easy then.
  13. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    yep i did i have to replay to the point that i could annihalate the crocs and other stuff at Tetihuacan cave with two expensive skills : Supernova and Bullet Drive