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Nostalgia: Need help getting to india

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by blazzz, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. blazzz

    blazzz New Member

    i say another post like this and i checked it out and i didnt get much info out of it all i had to go on was go east >.< so yea if someone could give me some nice direction to get there ill be really happy :D

    right now im in london...

    i only have mid altitude not sure if im suppse to have high or not i dont think so but yea

    I NEED HELP :'(
  2. Wadsy

    Wadsy New Member

    Use the world map (press select). Go to mid alt (you don't get high alt until well after India). Head south (as if you're heading to cape town). Once the mountains to your left (as you head south) clear away turn left (so that you're heading east). You should now be able to reach India fairly easily. Keep checking the world map (there should be a big red glowing thing - head for that).

    Other than that I can't really say much more...
  3. blazzz

    blazzz New Member

    thx ima try that later after im done playing GC :D
  4. jimglimkill

    jimglimkill New Member

    I also want to thank you Wadsy:D:D I did go to the south but ended at the clouds, it didn't come up to go higher..
    ghehe thank you!