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nostalgia easter islands puzzle help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by mordaki987, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. mordaki987

    mordaki987 Well-Known Member

    :-X grrr might anyone be able to help me out here? i've been at this whole turning heads thing for the easter island puzzle for the last 20 minutes or more and still haven't been able to solve the thing. I know or have surmised that i need to turn the heads to face the dome in the center of the 8 islands but i can never seem to be able to get the thing down. And it's starting to get me frustrated. Any help anyone might be able to provide either through screenshouts or otherwise would be appreciated.
    Post Merge: [time]1257825036[/time]
    <grumble> anyone out there thats played this on an emulator that could help me out with the stupid solution to this turning heads puzzle? i've been at it for the last 12 hours or more and still haven't solved the bloody puzzle. and it's more or less on my last nerve. if anyone thats played this could help me out with the direct i need to face the 4 heads to remove the damn storm would be appreciated. I apologize for the language but i'm at wits end over this thing.
  2. lopolativo

    lopolativo Well-Known Member

    all you do is press A a couple of times to make all the heads face to where the storm is :O
    its pretty easy :)
    so if youre on the north island make it face south
    south island make it face north
    west > east
    east > west