god, i HATE it when i get messages like: Hakeem123 sent me that _____________________ i also got one that said something something about free game consoles as you all know these are always scams and REALLY annoying.That is my mini-rant
FYI if you tell us about it, we can usually stop it. I wouldn't tolerate that crap and I see absolutely no reason for anyone else to put up with it. Actually, could you give me the time that was sent?
I never get messages like that. Only things like "is there custom firmware for the Wii like the PSP?" And of course, "Where do I download Wii games and how to unarchive them..."...
they must think that you are stupid enough to visit the site... seeing that your avatar is a pokemon lol
I get those as well, gosh being helpful has it's own share of problems isn't it? Not that I mind provided I can help...the worse ones always come in via msn, the really messed up cases which I shan't say here...least they know I only use romU for roms and junk and not other issues/talking crap :
I get a few PSP/Wii questions from time to time, and a few regarding Pokemon, but that's about it. At least the ones I get, they put some thought into before sending, which I don't mind. I usually follow all general forum rules when PMing so if you use SMS and crap like that in your messages and you wonder why you don't get a message back, there's the reason.
The only real messages I get are "I agree with you in _____________" or "ur mean" or "You've been warned" or "stop scaring new people" or "You're an idiot". I like it.
I still got those Lockerz PM or whatever it is. and some people who need help with certain emus configuration. etc.
XD The mods and admins love you nat Oh i let them know if they are doing wrong... "I'm sorry but I require full english to understand your post-I'm an Australian and my translator can't even translate what you sent me"