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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by hethann, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    where to put the codes for passing the blue screen - the data could not be accessed screen??

    maybe this is mentioned in other threads but i can't find them i apologize for asking this question
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Do you mean Pokemon Black/White?
    If yes, read through this thread.
  3. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    In No$zoomer you have to go to Other > Cheats

    Not that hard to find if you just bothered to look...
  4. hethann

    hethann Well-Known Member

    okay, i tried cheats before i read the thread meganova told me but i did not use it for raw that' why thanks!^^
    Post Merge: [time]1290312218[/time]
    how can i keep them on while i open the game ~ i close the game and emulator/or change games then i return i have to repeat the steps so how can i just let them stick to turned on so that i don't need to repeat it again and again??