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No More Heroes 2

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Suiseiseki, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I understand that most of you are probably too poor/young/stupid to own a Wii and have this game, so seriously, if you don't there's really not much you can contribute unless you played and liked the original.

    So for those of us Suda51- and ultraviolence-loving neckbearded scumbags (Reider <3) who are properly entertained by these games, what do you think of it? Any expectations (if you know you're getting it as soon as you scrape up the change from your minimum-wage jobs)? Because I for one am loving this game. They tightened up the combat, overhauled the graphics, made Santa Destroy a LOT easier to get around, and in-game beam katana switching is pretty amazing. Not to mention Travis is still an ass-kicking, name-taking asshole of the first degree.

    Goddamn, it's so GOOD.
  2. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Oh man you guys have it already.
    I've played No More Heroes and I love it.
    Hearing from your Mini review it's gonna be even better can't wait to get my hands on it.
  3. TrueSweetBoy

    TrueSweetBoy New Member

    Wow is it out yet?
    Havent really touched my wii since i got my PS3
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    It's been out for like a week and a half. Of course I have it.
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Wait till your SD card arrives and you can play it all you want. :)

    I LOVE this game!

    The controls are pretty easy to start off with, but there is more to it than just swinging the Wiimote around. ;)

    The bloody massacre that you leave behind rivals that of Mad World in my opinion. Though not as much blood, but plenty of it.
  6. nitemarezero147

    nitemarezero147 Well-Known Member

    ive been want this game it looks so awesome by the way should i play the first before this and this may be out of topic but, will NMH: hero's paradise have an international release?
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! this game kicks ass! and the story has been pumped up! with travis aiming for revenge and the games got really awesome epic boss fights as well as great cutscenes that make you go WHAT THE FUCK! and lots of great hillarious moments.

    once you see the first part of the game, you will burst out laughing! especially if your a final fantasy fanatic.

    but my main problem with this game is suda left more questions then answers, and thats all i'm gonna say and I wont spoil it, but other then that! the games great! and it's a must buy if you trully support wii mature titles. Also, the jobs have been replaced with 8bit nes style mini games that throw you back and make you feel as if you are playing the NES in retro gaming goodness.

    Good game!
  8. Sharruken

    Sharruken Member

    Fun game so far, as for the storyline... who gives a @!#!, the game is aimed at people who know stuff from the first game, and people who know nothing about it whatsoever, and I just love those side jobs <3 retro nes, but anyone who has a wii, has to look into softmodding, you'll save so much money >_> I'm never buying Wii games again, now that I have a 1 TB HD hooked up to mine, with about 40 games and rising on it :D you can also partition it, and it may be able to replace an SD Card for the HBC, though it would probably have to be partition one to work properly... uloader allows to choose partitions, anyway, I could ramble on and on off topic, but Travis kicks ass still, and JEANNE, omg, I can't help but play with the kitty every chance I get, and the uh... Bizarre Jerry 5 was interesting lmao, but back to Travis, perverted, bent on revenge, killing machine, Five Course Meal, 'nuff said for anyone who's played past the opening
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    It may do. Also, definitely play the first game. Preferably before.
  10. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    It's out? In which country(ies)?
  11. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm a supporter of true great third party games, and I don't support nintendo first party stuff because they always make money. Also, I bought NMH2 and it was worth my money for the great time I spent on it, and I don't regret it, but I am planing on returning it to gamestop now that I've beaten it(yes I'm aware that GS would make money off of my copy and that suda51 would not make money off of it, but more people would notice the price drop and try out the game and get noticed), but like I said if you have cash and you like to support great games and have money to blow off! but don't like spending it on Nintendo or crap titles and don't mind supporting Suda51 then.. it's a nice idea to support a game you admire once in a while. Like, NMH2.
    Take me for example... I did not buy new super mario bros wii or Call of duty on wii, and I did not buy any other wii titles.. but I did support NMH2 and I hope that by voting with my money, even thoe it's a small percent... I hope it helps suda51 know that there are gamers out there that really do appreciate his work.
    That said, I also hope that by taking my copy to GS the reduced price might convince someone that wasn't a fan or did not know about NMH2 and maybe be interested in the title only because of the reduced price.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I heard of a mod that allows you to play as Henry in Deathmatch mode. So amazing.
  13. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    First one comes to Ps360.
    This one will to..

    Just...dont buy that Wii...please...