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no infarstructure mode in desmume.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by google365, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. google365

    google365 New Member


    i was trying to connect to wifi through desmume but was getting error 52000 again and again. but i finally got a way to fix it and it got connected. afterwards when i tried to connect it second time the problem again occurred. i found that the infrastructure mode was no longer available to use. please help. what should i do?
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Do you see your PCI BUS in the infrastructure before that error? Are you on wireless connection or on an Ethernet cable connection?

    If it was there before, maybe you had accidentally disabled it. Then try doing this;
    Right click on the PCI-E BUS which says Ethernet Controller, and choose ENABLE

    Which also comes down to the fact it seems you'd failed to install WinPcap to emulate SOFTAP.

    If you are on wireless, and was never on a broadband LAN connection from the start, you probably haven't had setup LOCAL AREA CONNECTION (LAC) through the NETWORK CONNECTION under NETWORK AND INTERNET. Which by the way just means you never did need the use of LAC in the first place, because you're on wireless. Thus means, INFRASTUCTURE is grayed out, not click-able.

    Which then explains why you kept getting that error 50xxxx result when trying to setup DeSmuMe, you're probably on wireless, thus why you only get to use AD HOC instead of INFRASTRUCTURE. Which by the way, means I can't help you troubleshoot on how to setup DeSmuMe via AD HOC.

    If you're on wired LAN Broadband, you should check the WinPcap is installed properly, and the PCI-E is enable, and the internet is working properly. But again if you are on wireless, sorry...... can't help you.

    Oh....for the record, my knowledge about computer is autodidact, so I'm probably not the best person to discuss about technical computer issues.
  3. google365

    google365 New Member

    i am using a wired broadband connection and as i mentioned above, it got connected tomorrow but the when i tried to connect today it was not connecting so i checked the wifi settings and found that infrastructure was greyed out(earlier it was available).
    it is greyed out only on x64 one not on the other one but other one just keep giving error 52000 and save config-failed(on the msdos window).
    and my network adapter is already enabled.
    Post Merge: [time]1361198198[/time]
    thank you reinstalling the winpcap worked.
    you are awesome dude. who says you have less knowledge of computer. you are master of computer.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I might suggest you uninstall both WINPCAP and DeSmuMe, and reinstall them all over again. You may move all your save files from the BATTERY FOLDER elsewhere first. Maybe it'll solve your problem. Oh, make sure you don't have any of those VM program such as HAMACHI or VIRTUAL BOX, it could easily interfere. Might want to disable them or remove them before and see if it solve your problem. Or try pressing CTRL-R, and delete DeSmuME.ini found in the DeSmuMe folder. Re configure everything all over again. It it fail, then try re-installing them all over again.

    Good to know, then it's solved then.
    I really do not have any formal specialized education in computer.