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No$gba rom image crash.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Andrejcruz95, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. Andrejcruz95

    Andrejcruz95 Member

    So I'm using the latest 6.a and everytime I load a rom, it crashes. Can anyone help?
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Does the text messed up when it crashed? Could you post a screenshot of it?

    and perhaps you could try using this package.
  3. Andrejcruz95

    Andrejcruz95 Member

    Well I am using the the package above. And everytime I load a rom I get this:

  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I see the problem - go into no$gba settings F11 - see reset/startup entrypoint and box below change GBA BIOS to Start carttridge directly - OK - click options again and save options and reset emulator

    EDIT: You need no$zommer to run the game that way - with GBA BIOS enabled

    Go into no$zommet.ini file and UseCrypt=1 if it's already like that just save the file again once - this fixes most games with white are black screen problems on load!
  5. Andrejcruz95

    Andrejcruz95 Member

    For some reason, your solution doesn't work :/
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    What game are you using ? - it could have bean encrypted ....

    Have you tryed the no$zommer way ? - with UseCrypt=1 enabled in no$zommer.ini file and DO save the file again anyway!

    Then try loading your game

    EDIT: Last resort - Delete the NO$GBA.INI - This will Restart the hole emulator with settings

    EDIT: I see you are using windows XP - You may not have your file extention enabled to see the .ini are .exe est - Start -controll panel - folder options - view - tick off, Hide extensions for known file types - apply

    Is this what you have in the one folder ?


    NO$GBA 2.6a - Full Package
