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No$gba Debugger Shareware Version, Download it hear!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jhon 591, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Well this is what i know so far, This is an example

    It mabe possible to fix the freeze if we can catch the part that freezes

    OK this is for how they fix the black screens

    NO$GBA Debug Version

    No$gba password : veta


    OK hear is no$gba debug version showing the game running


    This is the part where the Game goes into blank screen but you can still hear the game music


    Red 1, Blankscreen hear music , Brake the game at that point , you will see the game braked at offset 020DE164
    Black 2 , The offset we are after is 020DE16C witch is not far of from where the game braked
    Black 3 , But the hex is written backwards to the top part A1FFFFFC - the bottom offset is normal at FCFFFFA1

    This is the part that gets the game running from the blank screen


    Green 1, The offset code is 020DE16C
    Red 2, The hex shown backwards at the top
    Blue 3, Where you need to wright in the new code E1A00000
    Purple 4, Run your game and the blank screen disappears , and your game is ruining

    This might come in handy for find over codes in this way...

    After entering a in and out of a door a few times , the game freezed bettween offsets

    020D3264 and 020D326C

    Now where in the Hex to put a patch ?.

    What to help out ? , then please do...
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger , Fineding out how Games Are fixed, Pokemon SS (E) example

    I'm confused, is this a guide to doing something, or are you asking for help?
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger , Fineding out how Games Are fixed, Pokemon SS (E) example

    I have place in the images , Just can't word it right..

    The images might help, if its taken in steps


    Mabe i could fined the hex , where to use the offset and hex code for ysmenu extinfo.dat file , to stop the Pokemon SS HG games from frezzeing....
    Post Merge: [time]1270745146[/time]
    Dose anyone have an Pokemon SoulSilver .sav file where it frezzes the most ? , If you do could you please upload your save file ?

  4. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger , Finding out how Games Are fixed, Pokemon SS (E) example

    there is already a fix for no$, but are you trying to figure out the hex values?
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger , Fineding out how Games Are fixed, Pokemon SS (E) example

    Im using that fix , as an example

    If you brake the game at the point where the screeen gose blank , the address brakes around the same place 020D164 - 020D16C

    Now im looking for the second the freeze part

    So if i can get the game to brake at the same point where it freezes - the no$gba debugger will let you know the address of where it freezed, there for you can edit in the bottom screen the hex value - and try again in a reset of the game.
  6. barney7rubble

    barney7rubble Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger , Fineding out how Games Are fixed, Pokemon SS (E) example

    Hey, when modifying the "bne" to stop the black screen, you can just right click it and press "change instruction". Then just type in "nop". You don't need to manually enter the hex for the instruction, which you did backwards(it's supposed to be nop, you entered it so it's "andeq").

    Oh, and thanks for the link to the No$gba debugger version. I've been looking everywhere for that.

    EDIT: And not to be rude, but it's "find", not "fined". Fined means something completely different.
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger , Fineding out how Games Are fixed, Pokemon SS (E) example

    Thanks for the correction in the spelling mastake , I have just fixed it

    I supose that can be done for "change instruction" , but i need to use the bottom screen to find the hex value , so i can edit it into the extinfo.dat for ysmenu at the correct point

    But i have not had any luck with the freeze fix , so it must be a diffrent hex value

    If someone can upload at the Gym where people save it freezes the most that would be of help mabe!

    Anyway you welcome about the emulator..., I found it very hard to get, untill one link few!
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger version, DL it hear!, Working out the freeze in pokmon SS & HG?

    EDIT: I see thanks, barney7rubble
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger version, DL it hear!, Working out the freeze in pokmon SS & HG?

    "Wait for interrupt"...

    If it reaches that, the next action you do will let it freeze, if I'm right...
    EDIT: No that is pause from No$.
    I noticed that your CPU is high at that point.

    Also, I am confused in what you want to tell us..
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: No$gba Debugger version, DL it hear!, Working out the freeze in pokmon SS & HG?

    The game went blank , yes pause the game at that point by taping anywhere white on the left box, Then the left side of the screen should jump to a address of where it went blank at a close point

    But thats not what i was looking for, that's just an example

    The point im looking for is the bit where the game freezes like on a real DS , there for geting the address in the left side box of where game the freezed...

    Post Merge: [time]1271099409[/time]
    But i need a save point of where the game freezes most so it would be easer to work out...

    And make extinfo.dat for ysmenu make the game run unpatched without freezeing
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Nope can not fined the offset and hex to the freeze problem in pokermon SS (E) and (U) , project ended...

    Can fined the last offset if with Hasteds 131 , encryipted ROM (no$gba) Hasteds settings , at offset 020DB41C hex D1 chage to E0, but diffrent hex at same address if uncryiped, witch 4mb ram don't use

    Encryipted 020DB410 03 09 66 00 F0 12 5C FD 00 28 0A D1 FA 22 00 18

    Decryiped 020DB410 70 40 2D E9 00 60 A0 E1 08 50 A0 E3 00 40 A0 E3

    I gave-up lol!
    Post Merge: [time]1272128785[/time]
    Yes , Also press F8 key to jump one step at a time in offsets and ram hex...

    Press on the emulator screen to make it run fully