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No$gba, BIOs and Firmware

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Quintafeira12, Oct 3, 2008.

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  1. Quintafeira12

    Quintafeira12 Active Member

    Recently I aquired a rom that came with a subfolder called "No$gba, with BIOs and Firmware included", or something like it. Unfortunately, even though I already had the latest No$, I have no idea how does one install those on the No$.

    I once had the same problem for "Gens", but since it had an option where you can go to the folders and choose to install a certain BIO automaticly, I did so, and a new folder appeared. I was lucky that time to have everything so well sorted out, but not such luck this time.

    Also, can someone explain me what's the difference of instaling firmware and bios in No$?
  2. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    It will get you better game compatibility in some cases, and some games just need the firmware and bios to run.
    The contents should be biosnds7.rom, biosnds9.rom and firmware.bin. Just put them in the root folder of your emulator.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It was included in previous releases of no$gba for Pokemon D/P etc., but they're not really needed now.
  4. Quintafeira12

    Quintafeira12 Active Member

    Root folder? The folder itself or should I create one called "root" inside the folder of the emulator itself.
    I'll just try both. Thank you!

    Actually, yesterday, just a few hours after postiong the question, I tried yoshi's island and it was asking for Bios to be able to play sounds. Weird coincidence that I had gotten the Bios the same day.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No, adris wrote it wrong, same folder as your emulator (.exe file etc.).
  6. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I was just misunderstood, if I would have meant a folder called "root", I would have said it like that... between quotations.
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