No$GBA 2.7b was released today. The new version contains multiple fixes. Please do the right thing and buy it. You get all future versions for free. No? Does not work? Get it by donating something through the link given in first post.
Donation was still no$gba 2.7a 100% , Martin / Nocash has about 1HR ago fixed the download he says....
Simple! Donate = 2.7a, Free download = 2.7 Donate = 2.7b, Free download = 2.7a Donate = 2.8, Free download = 2.7b and so on!
no$gba 2.7a Ie CRC32 [A0708E7E] And will be different for no$gba 2.7b Also I would get a false positive to from avast .
??? wtf lol Post Merge: [time]1384259226[/time] EDIT got it Post Merge: [time]1384277830[/time] NO$GBA 2.7b Modify XDelta Patcher NO$GBA 2.7b clean CRC32 [ABFE033A] To No$GBA 2.7b Modified CRC32 [BDA2B067] Patch DL: Instructions: Code: Donate and download Martins no$gba 2.7b Clean version. Convert to No$GBA 2.7b Modified Version Open DeltaPatcher.exe Select Original File: NO$GBA.exe / 2.7b Seleat XDelta Patch: No$GBA 2.7b Modified.xdelta Apply Patch: Done You'r new NO$GBA.exe will be patched Modified Version . Now with No$GBA 2.7b Modified Version, you can play Pokemon Black/white 1&2 "Without" summery screen freeze + (Note) Action Replay code still needed , Also Rune factory a havest moon white freeze screens Fixed.