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NO$GBA 2.6a...............

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by nisbahmumtaz, Jan 25, 2008.

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  1. nisbahmumtaz

    nisbahmumtaz Well-Known Member

    Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh~~~~~!!(angel's choir,deal with it)

    Also, NDS2xGL [http://echuu.byethost9.com/nds2x_25.zip] to.....biggify the layer.I think.


    is the only existing leak.......

    (faster 3d rendering, backup detect, rtc-irq, better texture interpolation,)
    (perfectly accurate edge-marking, translucent-poly-id, shadow-poly support,)
    (capture in vram display mode, debug gui/warnings, cpu/ipc/div/sqrt details)
    - free-download: old no$gba v2.6 gaming version now free for everybody - enjoy
    - debug/symbols: resize function for Alt+L symbol list window (saved in .ini)
    - debug/internal: changed computer_id handling for compatibility with win vista
    - nds/debug: allows nintendo to mis-use clipmtx_result for detecting their emu
    - nds/debug: allows to override mis-declared-thumb-functions by crude $t labels
    - nds/rtc: triggers IRQ when SI changes HI-to-LO (only when SI-IRQ is enabled)
    - hll-version: demangles strange new “_ZN3txt3txtEii” and “_Z3txtii” type labels
    - nds/gba/rcnt: allows to generate SI interrupts manually by toggling RCNT bits
    - nds/gba/rcnt: internally memorizes rcnt-output bits (additionally to inputs)
    - nds/rtc: passes rtc 1Hz/2Hz/4Hz/8Hz/16Hz or per-minute IRQ to rcnt SI input
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses clean 80286 shift opcodes (instead slow 80386 shrd)
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: new scaled side_clip_x allowed to re-remove pre_add_mask
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled side_clip_x coords from 0..len to 0..7FFFFFFFh
    - nds/3d: soft-accuracy: texture/color interpolation with variable pre_add_mask
    - nds/details: emulates all newly discovered ipcfifo/div/sqrt technical details
    - nds/help: added tech specs on div/sqrt (readonly results, start/stop timings)
    - nds/help: added tech specs on ipcfifo (edge triggered, underrun, fifo-disable)
    - nds/help: added user settings 076h (language mask) and header 01Dh (ique flag)
    - nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: recurses surrounding depth values (less only)
    - nds/3d/help: added more technical notes on edge marking (depth and polygon_id)
    - nds/a22i: auto generates chinese crc upon .fix directive (only if version=2)
    - nds/help: added info on chinese title in icon/title region (addr/version/crc)
    - cpu/internal: reduced 32bit test/and to 8bit (al/bl/cl/dl instead eax/ebx/etc)
    - cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned thumb bx/blx and arm bx/blx (with warning)
    - cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned rd=r15 in arm alu opcodes (thanks jonathan)
    - nds/3d/help: added double-blended-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-alias)
    - nds/3d/help: added translucent-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-aliasing)
    - nds/backup: supports re-detection (games with faulty initial initialization)
    - nds/backup: added bus-width auto detection (redirecting to new general types)
    - nds/backup: added new types (3x general types) (and 1x sanyo, thanks flubba)
    - nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: handles edges at screen border (via clear_id)
    - nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: applies edges in respect to surrounding pixels
    - nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: internally stores edge_flag for possible edges
    - nds/debug: allows some games to initialize not-existing port 4001004h to zero
    - nds/debug: allows nintendo to use faulty ldmib with base-inclusion-writeback
    - nds/debug: allows nintendo to use invalid stmib/ldmib user bank writeback
    - nds/debug: allows nintendo to write more serious nonsense to (R) baseband regs
    - nds/timings: re-fixed arm7/arm9 sync (new arm9-66MHz timings vs arm7-33MHz)
    - nds/video: supports capture from 2d/3d engine in vram display mode (nanostray)
    - nds/help: added note on undoc nds7 port 4001080h (used by ds-lite firmware)
    - nds/help: added optical mouse sensor (slider controller) (thanx daniel palmer)
    - nds/help: added firmware wifi internet access point settings info (thanks cue)
    - nds/help: added user settings 066h (year) and 075h (ext language) (thanks cue)
    - screenshot: converts 32bpp images to 24bpp (smaller and more standard files)
    - nds/3d: soft-detail: prevents rendering of translucent polys with same poly_id
    - nds/3d: soft-detail: supports shadow polygons (mask/render, step 1 and step 2)
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled perspective correct clp.x from 0..len to 0..7FFFh
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texcoord_clipping (no_repeat,repeat,flipped)
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calc tex_clip proc, collapsed 32:32 tex_xy to 16:16
    - nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-ex

    Kiss my ass,ESA suckazz!!!
  2. nisbahmumtaz

    nisbahmumtaz Well-Known Member

    Whats the difference between 2.6 and 2.6a?Gee I dunno.....ITS DAMN HARD!!SOMEBODY TELL ME!
  3. mrabbo

    mrabbo Active Member

    im running a fairly stock standard pc 2.4 ghz 512 mb ram on board opengl graphics card, and ill be blown away the new no$gba emulator runs significantly faster now, most games are playable as if i had a faster pc it would be mad, for me to run the games full speed i have to sacrifice the sound but hey most non 3d games work brilliantly i am impressed, he still hasnt fixed the save state yet bit annoying but hey its bot that important.

    the graphics look way better now on the emulator, top notch

    tell me what you think?
  4. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Ohhh, Cloudboy wouldnt like this thread!
  5. nisbahmumtaz

    nisbahmumtaz Well-Known Member

    NO$ 2.6 = nocash renderer = faster than 2.6a but wireframe erroes are EVERYWHERE(3d of course) "nocash,your the awesom€ shit!...for now"

    NO$ 2.6a = nocash renderer = SLIGHTLY TEENIE WEENIE slower than 2.6 but wireframes are abolished and polished.And Pokemon no longer lags in the
    rain terrain.
  6. jared_sgms

    jared_sgms Member

    can someone dish me up this version of no$gba, but upload it to megaupload. thanks. :) the reason why is that i am currently downloading nfsprostreet from rapid share. ::)
  7. Bymz

    Bymz New Member

    aaaaghhhh !!!!! still slow for my PC !!! because my ram just 512mb !!!!!
    how can i feel refreshed if i can't play my pokemon pearl !!!! ???
    and i don't have money for my ram!!!
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ram is cheap these days. Regardless, make sure you're not running anything you dont need when you try to play.
  9. ShadowX7

    ShadowX7 Member

    Wait how can I save, again?
  10. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    You find the save point or you go into the menu and save or maybe you don't save at all, maybe it does it automatically or maybe its one of those games that doesn't save at all and makes you do the same thing over and over and over again until you blow your brains out with daddy's shotgun and make a pretty wall painting with pieces of your skull and brains.

    That aside, please make your own topic on the matter next time and please include details like what game it is and whether you're using an emulator or a flashcart.

    Locked so this can finally rest in peace.
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