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No$GBA 2.6a + No$Zoomer Blue Screen

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by RyuuKiris, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. RyuuKiris

    RyuuKiris Member

    Hello. I need help fixing something. As you can see from the Subject, I'm using No$GBA 2.6a and No$Zoomer I have everything up to date. I even made it so I can run No$GBA in BIOS from the walkthrough posted here. But when I click on Zoomer it does the select ROM thing, I select ROM, it'll load for a minute. But once it loads instead of getting the game, I get a light blue screen. Nothing shows up at all, even when loading in BIOS. At the top it says NO$Zoomer 100%(this will actually move between about 90% to 105%) 0fps. Aside from changing it to run in BIOS it's the default settings. That's not to say I haven't tried messing around with them, this is just the...third(? I can't remember) time I've downloaded and tried using it and I always run into this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S. If it helps anything, I'm running 32-bit Vista Acer laptop.

    P.P.S. No$GBA can work by itself, but some games require Zoomer
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Which game was it?
  3. RyuuKiris

    RyuuKiris Member

    I've tried it with Pokemon Black, Mario and Luigi Partners in Time, Final Fantasy IV and Mario, Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story(this one had other problems.... >_>) and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If you are geting blue screen for PM black/white try this topic http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=53401.0

    As for the over games thats weird - is your graphics set for open-gl are dirextX ?, sometimes with vista you may still need to open the emulator thought admin rights as right click run with admin rights.

    Are maybe you could post a screen shot.
    Post Merge: [time]1320915575[/time]
    EDIT: need to soft out my main hard drive: back in a few HR
  5. RyuuKiris

    RyuuKiris Member

    About Pokemon Black, I already knew about the AP blue screen. This isn't that. I was able to get past that without zoomer...but then I ran into a different problem with that... >_>

    As for the graphics....I'm not sure...are you talking about on the emulator or the computer? If you're talking about the computer, I think it's set for DirectX but I'm not sure how to check...
    Post Merge: [time]1320916581[/time]
    I think I may have found what you were talking about. If it was about the Render(R) it was set to DirectX 8 Sync, but when I chanced it to OpenGL Async it changed to a black screen and the fps went to about 10. With DirectX 8 Async, it goes up to about 15. And as I typed this, I reset it with DirectX 8 Async, and now it works! XD Thanks for the help.
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Glad you got it sorted your welcome!, Hope it stay ok for you.