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Nintendo's 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Natewlie, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    I bet the 3d will be using the camera in conjunction with the real world. Like this.

    New DS, cool stuff.
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    3D without special glasses...... i wonder how they are going to do it.... hologram?
  3. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    3G sim in a portable device...
    More power to em if its possible :p
  4. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Nintendo never ceases to amaze me.. thats why it is and always will be my choice in handheld gaming :)

    thanks for the topic natewlie pretty cool news :U
  5. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Here is the actual press release from Nintendo translated into English.

    You could be correct but then it seems odd to announce this as a new 3D hardware solution when the above video is a new software use for old hardware?

    Perhaps they have been talking to these guys? http://seefront.com/seefront_3d_technology.php
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    its also on yahoo
  7. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Aside from saying that it will have 3D capabilities, Nintendo hasn't specified any of the other hardware. Iwata did say (i believe before the DSIXL was announced officially) that it was possible a future Nintendo hardware would feature 3G capabilities: http://kotaku.com/5395174/nintendo-ponders-kindle+style-3g-ds
    It's also been rumoured on quite a few reputable (and on lots of unreliable) sites that the next generation of Nintendo handheld is due to use a nVidia Tegra chipset: http://gizmodo.com/5381010/next-nintendo-ds-might-get-a-huge-speed-boost-from-tegra
    There isn't any concrete evidence that any of these hardware components will make it into the final product though...
    3G would make sense because it would really help Nintendo to (try to) crack down on piracy by monitoring the content of users devices and removing illegal stuff without user's permission, as instanced by Amazon: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/07/18/amazon-deletes-books-from-kindle-without-user-consent/
    I know that the circumstances and technology were different in the Amazon case, but it would still be possible for Nintendo to do so using a 3G connection. Even if Nintendo offered a 3G connection to users for free they would lose far less money from paying for it out of their own pocket that they do from piracy (so long as user's are limited to how much data they may use or may only access a store through the connection like users of the kindle).
    Let the wild speculation and hoping begin.
  8. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    I saw another thread similiar to this one yesterday :eek:...

    Anywhoo, this seems interesting, but i'd prefer to use my iPhone over a DS anyday for motion sensor games, the camera won't be very reliable.
  9. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    God i hope it's not like that, it's going to get old extremely fast. Especially if every game uses that crap, Since it would be new tech for their handheld they will most likely try to shoehorn it into everything.
  10. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Just found some more speculative fodder, enjoy.
  11. indianCHAN

    indianCHAN Well-Known Member

    It's gonna come with a firmware update.

  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Control stick? That's an automatic buy for me.
  13. PropelledFoot

    PropelledFoot Member

    Found some more details on IGN
  14. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    Nintendo 3DS? Wow it's just like Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds! xD But 3D games......wait a second!!! It's like a Dejavu, remember, before the Nintendo 64/N64 they released the VR32/Virtual Boy? It also used the 3D tech, but how did that go?

    *HINT* Go watch the AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) episode 42: Virtual Boy. *HINT*
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I hope there's a 2d option for games with 3d. As people who have vision problems wouldn't be able to play the 3d games.

    Except that this 3D is nothing like the VB's 3d.

    [list type=decimal]
    [*]3DS doesn't require you to put your eyes in a binoculars thing
    [*]3DS doesn't require you to not see red after you stop playing
    [*]3DS is less likely to give you a headache
    [*]3DS might actually have support from developers like the DS
    [*]3DS is actually, honest to god, portable

    Although the Virtual Boy had one redeeming factor: The best Wario game, ever. We actually have a VB lying around somewhere, I played Wario Land, it's pretty god damn awesome.
  16. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that Nintendo will fail this 3D-portable, just remembered about the VR. Sure if this really,really works- cool.
    But one thing- VR had the best Wario game,that I totally agree.
  17. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    The IGN UK guys need to hire a proof-reader.
    If Nintendo does go with the 3D technology used by Sharp, would that mean that only three different perspectives would be possible at any one time i wonder?
    I hope that Nintendo does is as successful with 3D technology as it was with touch screen technology. Although not as much as i hope they do go with the Tegra 2 chip so the graphics don't look like something a PS1 spat out; like with the current DS.
    If the price-point is close to that of the DSIXL then people who bought the DSIXL are going to be pissed off though; i would imagine that this is going to cause no small amount of confusion with people who don't follow this sort of thing and aren't sure which generation is which; the fact that the DSI/DSIXL are considered pared of the first generation of DS yet have cameras and exclusive content will only exacerbate this problem...
    The failure of the Virtual Boy wasn't down to the fact that it tried to use 3D graphics; it was the implementation.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Didn't the GBA Micro come close within the DS, just like the DSXL, which comes out a bit before the 3DS?

    Also the 3DS is compatible with DS and DSi games. So it wouldn't be all that confusing. I hope that they lower the price of the DSi to 100$ and have the 3DS come out at 200$, that's a good price point for me with a handheld.
  19. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Yes, but the GBA Micro was never popular and looked nothing like the DS, it also has a completely different name; ditching the "Gameboy" moniker altogether. Although of course, the the DS3D may not look anything like this generation. I imagine that Nintendo wouldn't want it to be confused with the current generation and make it look as different as possible.
  20. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    According to gamefaqs, the Micro came out after the DS

    Nintendo is kind of confused sometimes