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nintendo wifi and roms

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Mike2511, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Mike2511

    Mike2511 Member

    didn't know where to put this so decided to put it here, sorry if it's in wrong section.

    I was wondering, if a rom for a game is released a few weeks or days before the actual game comes out and allows online gaming can nintendo see that someone is using a game online before its out and also can they do something to stop this person? Either by banning their friend code or some other means?
  2. chaosakira

    chaosakira Member

    I think the companies will think that the copies that they give our to reviewers and such are in use and not to the whole general public.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Hard to tell actually, they might be leaking these on purpose to get some statistics on how widespread it is via wifi. We should totally start a conspiracy movement.

    Seriously though, I'd probably wait until the day of the release to go online.
  4. Mike2511

    Mike2511 Member

    interesting thought. I've never actually been online on a downloaded rom before, only ever used the original version of the game I have to go online and just used the backed up one to game normally on.
  5. santaboy123

    santaboy123 Member

    how do you go online on a rom?
  6. Mike2511

    Mike2511 Member

    download the rom, put it on a hommebrew device like the R4, and if the game has online gaming you just connect to nintendo's wifi service, pretty simple :)
  7. santaboy123

    santaboy123 Member

    how do u get r4?
  8. Mike2511

    Mike2511 Member

    try doing a google for R4DS, that usually comes up with loads of stuff about the R4 and where to buy one.
  9. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    when i tried going online with metroid prime hunters the game always shut off after 2 minutes. i also had the original (downloaded the rom for backup purposes) and it worked fine online. i dont know if this is due to lag or if nintendo knew about the rom.
  10. Mike2511

    Mike2511 Member

    maybe it was a corrupt rom?
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't have been.