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Nintendo (stupid or not) decisions/future plans ?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by MindFever, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Hello.I was somewhat a Nintendo fan till last year. DSiWare was and IS extremely dissapointing.I'm glad i only own a Gameboy Color and a Nintendo DSi.

    Ok,so i have a few (rethoric or not)questions ,out of frustration:

    Why only 2 Mario platformers for the DS?? Why only 1 Metroid for the DS ? Why no more Ninja Gaiden for the DS ? Why only 1 Contra for the DS ??? Why no Shinobi remakes?

    Why did Nintendo patent DSi without the "communication device" features ? What were they thinking ?!
    When we will have DSi-Enhanced games ?
    What are their future plans i wonder... did you see the list of Wii 2010 games ? Well i think there are too little games that make me want to buy a Wii. Do you think Wii will be replaced in the near future ?
    I just saw that for 50 EUR more i can get a PS3.I am seriously thinking about it (to buy it till the end of this year).

    Does anybody have any ideas ,hopes or any other rants regarding this? IF not ,ignore this and it will be lost for the time to come ... (i have a knack for the melodramatic,yes)
    You can pose other (rethoric)questions if you wish.I just want to hear your thoughts,to see if i'm the only one who thinks like that.
  2. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    2 plataforns.... but sport games...... well.

    The metroid I agree with you. I am stil expecting a 2D metroid for DS.
    (and a new F-Zero D:)

    Ninja Gaiden and Contra are old games that were brought on DS, I really doubh they will do anything new about it.

    Abou the DSi enhanced games it was confirmed even before DSi was launched thats such thing would never exist. BTW there is no real reason to buy a DSi, since you lose the slot 2 and can't play a few games or use some features because of it.

    ABout the Wii/PS3, I would say to wait. You are fre to buy a PS3 though, the price of THe Ps3 isn't a problem anymore.... the price of the games is.
  3. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    inb4 zangief, ultra or sylar1000 rush to the thread and defend Wii like there is no tomarrow.
  4. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    @ ASD789

    lol, <3 that avatar. i'm just starring @ it lawlin'. thx.
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    XD nice try, but i'm not a fanboy, i have a 360, wii, and eventually plan on getting a ps3. Every console has a few games i want.
  6. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    i wonder why leonidas an his 300 mens don't get a game?
  7. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    what i really appreciate and respect about Nintendo is that even with their great success, they still thrive to be the innovator of videogaming by taking huge risks. This is one of the reasons why cartidge-made N64 lost to the PSX, and this is also the reason why the Wii is kicking serious ass. The risks sometimes do not pay off (N64, Luigi's Mansion, Virtual Boy, etc) but when they do, they hit the jackpot (Wii, DS, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros., etc).
  8. aleenanaz

    aleenanaz New Member

    i m stuck in castle of magic boss stage snowman
  9. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Contra,Ninja Gaiden and Shinobi are not developed by Nintendo are they...?

    Quite sure they already exist...
  10. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Oh, sorry for that ;)
    They have a PSP game which is listed in the Top 25 Worst list.
    LOL JACKPOT ;D (read my first reply)
  11. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    wow that explains why i don't know there are one
  12. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I forgive you ;)
  13. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    I know DS is Not awesome...BTW you have flashcart??Anyways NDS rockz for gameplay not graphics though...i own a PS3 and it rockz LIKE HELL
  14. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    I agree.Good points regarding PS3 games' price...
    Yeah but come on,Ninja gaiden in 2D or a mixed 2D/3D game on D-pad (selectable if possible). What kind of people are there?
    No,they didnt actualy cancel it before the DSi release...i read an article where that bitch from Nintendo NA said they don't have immediate plans for the DSi-only/enhanced games (excuse the part "bitch" ,since dogs are way smarter than that person).
    True, DS Lite is a better choice. Though i dont own any other concoles from Nintendo apart from Gameboy Color and my DSi ,i feel cheated a bit... you know,at least they could make a VC downloadables.I hate reading quotes like "well stupid , you could play it on the GBA ! DUUUUH" ... well ,i dont have GBA ,for fuck's sake. you know what i mean ?

    Nintendo screwed up big time.Now it iw blatantly clear they putt the least effort on their console production.They recycle stuff they made in the past so they can earn from the nostalgia-factor of older gamers and yet... no other remakes for the DSi. Why the fuck not?
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    OMFG!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!! your avatar is so hillrious i spilled coffee thru my nose! What the fuck is that ?!
    Post Merge: [time]1266327094[/time]
    Well i must correct you on that. HUGE innovations? where? the wii-mote ? well yeah,this is huge innovation...touch pad also.but innovation in gaming is seriously missing. They keep recycling or copy-cat games from the past/present that are potential big time sellers.That is how i see it though.
    No, Nintendo lost Vs PSX because they were stupid and short-sighted and went for the market on the base that "We are Nintendo,people trust us" and used that.People were very dissapointed,i gather.If i am far-off,i excuse the mix-up of events.
    Did you know that before PSX , Sony and Nintendo were planing a CD addon/console for Nintendo (or a SNES with CD or something...dont quote me on that) ? But soon after that Nintendo bailed out.Hence the creation of Playstation that ruled the market for so many years.

    EDIT:Excuse my MERGE of posts...i wont do that again,i know you guys hate this.im kind of in a hurry so,sorry...
  15. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    lol im not really defending the Wii, or Nintendo in general. I'm just simply acknowledging them for taking huge risks.

    1) Maybe you have an entirely different meaning of the word "innovation", so i'll give you a chance to give your example of a huge innovation in videogaming, because as far as im concerned, the wiimote and DS touchscreen are one of those.
    2) they keep remaking titles like Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, etc because they ARE big-time sellers. These are "evergreen" titles that are so good in quality, people still buy it even years after its release.

    Let me ask you this: If you're a businessman, wouldn't you do the same thing?
    I agree that they got too cocky at the time, and that lead to the emergence of Sony. But they knew of the CD technology and still took the risk of keeping cartridges, and obviously, it didn't pay off.

    I know this one, but you know how these bigtime companies can "manipulate" the truth in their favor, so i'm not gonna judge who screwed who, but the results are what they are.
  16. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well,i must agree on the thing about innovation...it is subjective.But as far as radical change in gameplay,there is rarely a game on Wii that realy pays off to play with a wii-mote.And people just want to play games in "normal mode" ,you know? if you get sick,for example...i ,i ... i dont know,realy.
    Regarding DS, true - so noted.

    Well,victors do write history ,right? but given the track-record of nintendo honesty and fair-play plus (no)intelligence (just look how stupid Nintendo folks got involved in DSi patenting,leaving out COMMUNICATION DEVICE - hence why Skype wont ever happen)...i would bet my money on Sony's version.

    But there is a new one as of a few days ago: DS2 is not such a speculation anymore... over at The Pokemon (Something?forgot the full name of their dev. company) they got DS2 dev kits.
    People say that a 2nd party affiliate wont ever divulge such information...but they actualy didnt, a worker there did. Who would risk their jobs to do that ? Well... this is a debatable reason,i admit :D


    p.s.: DS2 in such a short notice is extremely stupid... Remember how Dreamcast was OUTCAST-ed (puns intended) ? And it was the best/hottest console of that time,insane graphics etc.... possibly the least-deserved failures of videogame history.
  17. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    I think they just put a word out on DS2, and it probably wont be out until late this year or next year. I don't think it will be that bad to release the DS2 now, seeing that the DS has been around since 2004, and even I think it's becoming pretty updated. I, for one, would LOVE to have a DS that can stand up to par with the PSP's graphics, while keeping the same "fun and innovative" formula that made the DS popular.

    As for the Dreamcast, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Such a tragic, tragic death for possibly the best console of its generation (yes, I loved it more than a PS2, much much more).
  18. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well it looks bad in my point of view...but for sake of progress,i'll accept this sooner or later. The point is,they havent even used the full potential of DSi. It can be an "invisible ninja punch" into their electronic groin.
    I wont boycott it,but it is unnerving to see DSi go to such waste.It is practicaly a toy. I extremely support people who will crack DSi's firmware, since then we can expect something out of DSi. I buyed it because i hoped for a VC or a few AIM clients.If i knew this would never happen,i would have bought myself a DS Lite. I also expected they would support its enhanced CPU speed and more ram. You know,a transition between DS2 and DS Lite.
    Well,i think they wanted to go all the way with DSi but something changed their views and they scrapped their projects.Greed is the reason once again. we should've had a nice transitory product to a new generation Nintendo console (DS 2).From where i'm standing, DSi is a semi-failed product.DSiWare is completely un-appealing.No GBA slots. What do you think about this? do you think they actualy wanted to do something real with a DSi and scrapped it because of whatever,or do you think they never had any plans and fucked us up ? :)) (how objective a question ,huh? :D )
    I just hope it [DS successor] wont be called DS ii or something stupid like that :)

    Yep, Dreamcast was simply amazing... that Taxi game or Soulcalibur (it was soul calibur there,right??).Wasnt there a Castlevania game too ?
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    edit: oh, let's be real... innovation in DS was pretty short. Sure,touch screen et-all, but how many games were realy innovative anyway ? Metroid Prime is a good example and a few others. Hardware-wise Nintendo is quite innovative (DS),i must agree on this point. But the software for it (games) are not so innovative.Mostly you find RPGs and nothing else. I dont think Nintendo thinks of innovation,they only putt some cool features together and if it works out they say "yeah,we did it on purpose because we love you and we are the best" ... i don't know,i allways had this feeling regarding their innovations :) So maybe they have incidental-innovations... but this also contradicts what i said. Who can guess for sure what will be inovative for majority of the market anyway? you must go for a lucky shot.So ... i guess i dont have a strong argument regarding this.It just feels like they are fooling arround to take our money - hardly objective though, since i am still pissed-off from the DSi-enhanced games failed promisses.
    I hope it made some sense what i just said.Excuse my grammar
  19. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    I agree, DSiWare is ridiculous, the games look like.. Crap really.. I am disappointed with Nintendo. But meh, the only reason i got the DSi was cause it was the newest. I have the DS classic and Lite, but I like the DSi's plastic quality far more than the lite's or the classic's.
  20. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well i have neither.I bought DSi because i thought "but offcourse,they will distribute GBA games thru DSiWare ! why would they be so stupid and NOT do it?" ...well,i felt like a sucker.
    Yeah, it pains me to see people on Nintendolife (i was banned because i criticized nintendo alot and said "fuck" once) who actualy WANT to believe DSIWARE is good. if DSIWARE was promissing and Nintendo didnt compete with 3rd party devs (i am dead serious btw), maybe ven Square Enix would've released that Final Fantasy game for the DSIWARE they once mentioned.
    Dsiware is to me like a poor man's way to enjoy a game. But realy,dsiware has alot of cheap stuff...but if you look how much points you buy for a few games and how many are not that good,you realise you spent allmost as much as if you did for a retail game. it is a ploy to test stuff and get rich too. Nintendo totaly fails in this.They will get punished for this in the market,sooner or later.
    if DS2 has all the stuff people wanted on the DSi (you know, an app that makes you watch Youtube, a Skype applet,email client etc.) plus VC...i am sold. but now,i will wait more before buying something from Nintendo.