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Nintendo Shares Fall After Wii Sales in U.S. Drop 17%, bloomberg

Discussion in 'General News' started by ultra, Apr 19, 2009.

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  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

  2. MrNeutral

    MrNeutral Member

    i don't know the wii has a nice idea and all but with the wii plus the thing that makes aiming easier that should be given for free or released at the start IT LOOKS LIKE A FRIGEN BLOCK GLUED TO THE END yes i'm really pissed at nintendo cause of all the sucking up to the parents they do
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...like how sony is making all those CFW blocks, nintendo is just making an effort to make money, after the failed attempt with the cube...

    And besides-nintendo is always a family company-remember mortal kombat SNES version?

    Look at the history-now they just want money-and in australia they found a way to do it!

    As for other countries....I rarly pay attention XD
  4. bobbychan

    bobbychan New Member

    Its pretty sad that now that hes dead hes getting all this attention, when he was alive he was persecuted and frowned uppon by society for being different. It just goes to show that were all a bunch a hypocrits, i just hope that people dont judge another person the way that they did him.

    R.I.P MJ
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    pretty sure that post wasnt intended for this thread.
  6. bobbychan

    bobbychan New Member

    Oops it was for the micheal jackson post.... :-[ im sorry :D but yeah pretty sad bout the whole nintendo shares.....
  7. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Nintendo used to run a brothel, a bit like Mr Jackson, only not for kids,.....oooh I can feel the bad vibes already.

    Nintendo know how to make money from an industry that will fail, by that I mean the single player experience is dead in the market.
    More money is in MMO's and Nintendo know it, the Wii and DS will be dead products in 2 years. Don't get me wrong I adore the single player experience, but lets think about money in a world where console and game makers have not been part of the oil/bank scam.
    Music, TV and Film are dead, the single/offline player game is next. The future for all media formats is subscription, a bit like conscription only you have to pay for it.
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