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Nintendo lazy?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Fwow13, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Fwow13

    Fwow13 Member

    I was there when Nintendo launched their WiFi service and was online trying it out as soon as it was available. One thing I loved almost as much as the gaming was the Gaming Hub portion of Nintendo's WiFi site. I had my NDS registered and collected several WiFi games, I loved being able to see game stats for the games I was playing. I could see when other players were getting on the most, I could see who was at the top of the leader boards, I could see which cities had the most logins, I could see which games were getting the most WiFi time... You know what I can see now? Nothing. After about a year or so of enjoying Nintendo's WiFi Connection, the Gaming Hub seemed to just stop working. I can't even remember the last time I was able to see any relevant stats up on the site, other than a player login board showing who was online the most and with what game. I thought at first that nintendo was stopping support for the site, maybe their service got too big for the site to handle. But then, my new WiFi games appear on my account. Brand new WiFi games keep showing up on the site's list of WiFi service. SOMEBODY out there is still updating and using the site, so why is it crap now? Why can't they get things up and running again like the good ole days? Has Nintendo just gotten lazy, or do they just not care anymore?
  2. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Naah , they dont care :D
  3. Nintendude92

    Nintendude92 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if they don't care.

    The hub was only useful for metroid prime hunters though.. Other than that it was just gameplay time statistics.
  4. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I can't even get online anymore :-\