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Nintendo 3DS Wii Graphics Next Generation DS 2 Announcements E3 [POLL]

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by dragneon007, Oct 16, 2009.


Next generation nintendo DS good or bad? Thoughts

  1. bad I'll stick to my Old DS phat thank you very much!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Bad I just got a DS lite

    0 vote(s)
  3. BAD! I just baught a damn DSi

    0 vote(s)
  4. Good! I'm ready to dump my Ds phat!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Good... but kinda annoyed I bought a dsi...

    0 vote(s)
  6. Good I'm about ready to toss out my ds lite

    0 vote(s)
  7. Don't need it! don't care! I have my OLD DS's even the broken ones!

    0 vote(s)
  8. Meh I don't really care.

    0 vote(s)
  9. wait DS? PSP OWNS f*** ds!

    0 vote(s)
  1. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Ninentdo 3DS to be revealed at E3
    Thoughts and speculations welcomed.
  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    ooo? may we soon see the next generation of nintendo handhelds?
  3. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    Now I have to start saving money...
  4. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    What does this mean for Dsi owners? D:
  5. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    NDS backwards compatibility? Humm... so it will have at least two screens and one of them is a touchscreen. Ah well, I bet our flashcarts can't be used on them. :(
    Ah well, nice find. :)
  6. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    I hope this doesn't turn into some "micro" bullshit like the GBA did when the DS first released.

    Gameboy Micro
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    I'm hoping the Dsi is not the new micro... because if it is.... they f**king tricked me this time.
  8. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    XD I was just thinking 'Yep, DSi = GBA micro'. However, since the micro was released a year after the original DS launched, it doesn't really count as such a dupe.

    I've always thought the DSi was a silly system, especially since the battery life is not what I'd expect of a handheld, & the complete worthlessness of the cameras. The fact it's technically stronger than the original DS designs doesn't mean jackall, as no sane developer will create a game that will only work on the DSi, alienating something around 100 million phat & DS lites. Plus, the cost to create a DS game is cheap - why pay more to risk less?
  9. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    well to be honest I got a dsi for the virtual handheld shop that would make nintendo's Dsi worth buying... this was before I owned a flashcart and now I really do regret buying a dsi because I don't really use the dsiware and the games are crap only flipnotes is worth downloading and the camera is only a nice feature but worthless once you get tired of it, but the music was agood idea except for the fact that nintendo has made it really annoying to play music on dsi since you need to convert them into AAC files in order to play... and no Gba slot just makes it borring since there is no Virtual handheld shop in order to download GBA games such as golden sun.
  10. Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS Rumor

    I hope they don't come out with a New DS system soon, but then again if it has a MUCH MUCH upgraded system(gamecube style) then maybe it will be worth a look.

    Wait did I just imagine a previous Nintendo system as a handheld..
  11. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Re: IGN Next Generation Nintendo DS 2 Rumor Destructoid

    Awesome... Thank god I didn't buy a DSi.
  12. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    aww.i wanted to buy a DSi,... but now ill just wait.
  13. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    I wouldn't doubt if the next DS or whatever its going to be called doesn't turn into something similar to sonys PS Go where you have to download the games which means no more cartridges.
  14. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    Wii quality graphics? The CPU alone does not determine graphical capability. Besides, the weakest Tegra CPU is clocked at 600 MHz, while the Wii has a 729 MHz processor (plus the GPU), making the claim of similar graphics all the more unfounded.

    A while back, Nintendo patented designs for a motion-sensing handheld gaming console. Where was all the hype for that?
  15. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    I wonder how much will it cost after it comes out... And I hope there will be flashcarts for it... I have some cash saved for moment like this :D
  16. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    Probably because alot of sources are saying it's gonna show up in 2010 and I wouldn't be surprised if it does have motion sensing capabilities since they already have that on wii and they tested this out with wario ware Twisted and I can see that happening

    also maybe nintendo doesn't want to bring virtual handheld on dsi for this very same reason.

    GB> NES graphics GBA> SNES graphics NDS> some N64 graphics Ds2?> may have GC graphics
    heck psp can handle some pretty good looking ps2 style graphics it would only make sense nintendo wanting to make it look like Gamecube graphics
    well it's backwards compatible so NDS cartridges are gonna be used I guess.
    my question is what the hell will this thing look like? I mean it would be kinda hard to improve the look of the DS
  17. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    It ISN'T official, don't get too excited :)
  18. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    Holy Sh** I take back what I said, and even thoe its fake, that looks nice!

    I also noticed that the Dsi camera could allow for the import of Mario kart Arcade I think that would be an awesome idea judging from the picture and online play
  19. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    that picture has been around for years. well before this

    and isn't it a little soon to bring out a new handheld? the dsi just came out.
  20. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo DS 2 Wii Quality Graphics 2010 IGN Destructoid Next Generation DS Rumor

    I don't think they will relase it soon- they did nothing yet, and they surely still want to make some money on DSi :p
    And I told ya this pic isn't official.