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Nintendo 3DS Mii QR codes

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by viccie211, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if there is already a topic about this but: here are some QR codes for mii's that I downloaded from the contest channel on the wii
    Remember, I(with my bro and sis) only made Mr. Snory(Mr. Mustache) and Micheal J. the rest is not mine.
    click to see the album
    (From left to right the pictures are Mr. Snory, C3PO, Cycloop, Mario, Michael J. and Cl Trooper)

    Please feel free to share your own Mii's
  2. MissMarlo

    MissMarlo Well-Known Member

  3. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    Voldemort is made by me, the rest is downloaded