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Nintendo 3DS Conference

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kammithecamel, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    So the conference is going on right now. Post some of your expectations, guesses of the price and date, and feelings of the press conference when all the info is out.

    I, for one, am expecting it to cost 19,000-20,000 yen and be released No later than November 31st in Japan.

    It seems that Miis are official on the 3DS. I hope they put in a bit more customization this time, like being able to add a shirt design.
  2. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    $249, holiday 2010 for japan
    few months later for US

    That's what I heard.
  3. Halo-101

    Halo-101 Well-Known Member

    where can we watch the conference?
  4. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    I've only been able to find live blogs. They banned foreign reporters.

    Use IGN or http://www.nintendo3dsinfo.com/
  5. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    This is where I'm reading


    But they aren't streaming it anywhere. No pictures or videos allowed.
  6. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    Someone managed to snag a pic of the final design though. It's pretty much the same as E3.
  7. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 25000Y 3DS jpn release!!
  8. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    March for the rest of us. Man, I was way off. I hope they lower the price a bit though. I refuse to pay more for a 3DS than I did for my Wii.
  9. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    Launch Colors are black and blue.
    Post Merge: [time]1285739047[/time]
    Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black
  10. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Then don't buy it ;D Most of the things you buy are rated according to their quality >:D
  11. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    I'll be getting it on release day I'm sure. Too good of a handheld to pass up.
  12. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    I would buy Cosmo Black, it would look cool playing it in public ;D
    Same here, I am gonna squeeze my way through the crowd just to buy it ;D
  13. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    Nintendo of America still might announce it for $250 (unlikely though). And expensive doesn't always mean high quality. Philips CD-i, anyone?
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It'll be probably around 250$. Things in Japan cost more than they do in NA (25000Y = 300 US dollars), some games over there cost 100$.

    Considering the Wii was made using last generation hardware and the 3DS is using more high tech, the pricing is justified.
  15. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    I did say most ;D I got a feeling it is going to be released for $250 since the game they could sell it really high price ;D
  16. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    True, but I bring my DS everywhere I go. $120 is a lot easier to make up than $250. Eh, I think I'll just wait 1-2 years for a reliable flashcart.
  17. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Or you may wait forever ;D
  18. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    I'll wait as long as it takes. Or as long as it takes me to get a job.
  19. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    Megaman Legends announced for 3DS
  20. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    $250 - 300 bucks, god dammit.

    I'm just gonna not buy it, WHAT NOW NINTENDO!!!

    *SMT Persona 3DS*
    *Animal Crossing*
    *New Kingdom Hearts*
    *Resident Evil games*
    *other games i want*


    guess i will be getting one eventually, you win again Nintendo, you win again.