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Nintendo 2DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Dark Infernape, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Nintendo 2DS

    Nintendo has just released details of a new variant of the Nintendo 3DS handheld. This variant is called the Nintendo 2DS and is essentially a slim version of the Nintendo 3DS without the 3D effect. It is due for release for $129.99 in North America on October 12 to coincide with the launch of the games X & Y. In Europe, it'll be released October 12th as well for £109.99.

    The Nintendo 2DS will play all Nintendo 3DS games and is backwards compatible with Nintendo DS titles. It will be available in two versions: black with blue trim and black with red trim.

    The form factor of the Nintendo 2DS is completely different than the 3DS. The new model is not hinged. And though it features two screens (of identical size to the 3DS), it bears a more tablet, slate style.

    The Nintendo 2DS features two cameras with which users can snap photos or record video. Users can't play back this content in 3D on their systems, but can insert their SD card into a 3DS to view their content in 3D.

    Just because Nintendo is releasing a non-3D handheld, it does not mean the company is distancing itself from 3D altogether, as the 3DS will remain on sale. Instead, the 2DS is aimed at attracting more consumers overall through its lower price point, according to Nintendo marketing executive Scott Moffitt.

    "It doesn't mean that we are not committed at all to 3D and that we don't think that's a really valuable, unique eye-popping feature for a lot of gamers," Moffitt told GameSpot. "We just wanted to continue growing the installed base and needed to find a way to get to a price point that was more accessible for a broad swath of consumers."

    "As we surveyed the marketplace, it seemed to us that there was an opportunity for something at that lower, entry level price point," he added.

    Nintendo will also release a carrying sleeve for the 2DS.


    The system sports all of the online and multiplayer functionality of the 3DS. It comes with much or all of the same built-in software that the 3DS had, including the augmented-reality game Face Raiders and the basic role-playing game Find Mii. It can still be put in a sleep mode for "streetpassing" (read: exchanging data) with nearby 2DS and 3DS systems, though this time that mode is enabled with a switch.

    Like its 3DS brethren, the 2DS uses an internal rechargeable battery. Nintendo isn't commenting on battery life other than to say it should be in line with other company handhelds. The unit charges with the same AC adapter used for 3DS systems.

    The machine comes with a 4GB memory card. Its stylus is the same size as that of the 3DS XL.

  2. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    This seems to be a bit unhandy ???
  3. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Horrible. Absolutely horrible.
  4. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    Looks like a deformed Wii U gamepad.
  5. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Really stupid product design. Part of the portability quality has been sacrificed, which is one of the most important attributes of this game console. After all, who wants to carry a square block in their pocket? With the screens and the analog nub completely unprotected, no less?

    Take this piece of shit back, Nintendo! You need to redo this one over. Bring the folding feature back for this model please!
  6. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    is it me or nintendo's portable is getting more and more unportable?
  8. rukia3

    rukia3 Member

    You can turn off the 3d in 3ds right? then why tey made nintendo 2ds?
  9. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    I've always wondered, who gets fooled by their "xxx.99" trick?
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member


    market research shows it does actually work, believe it or not.
  11. SK1999

    SK1999 Member

    I don't really think Nintendo's modern game systems get better
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Shocking how they didn't seems to put into consideration the gripping convenience, and button positioning. I can imagine how uncomfortable it'd be playing on a console that looks like my bathroom scale or easily mistaken for a chopping board.
  13. Eadelas25

    Eadelas25 Well-Known Member

    This looks like Nintendo just stopped caring and just rushed this out to take advantage of fan loyalty. At least make it able to fold or something.

    And they took out the 3d effect? If I already have a 3ds, why would I get this big brick they call a handheld that is essentialiy a trimmed down 3ds? And the button placements are just horrible, not user friendly at the least.

    I love nintendo but this is just plain dumb....
  14. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Why would you? In fact, why would Nintendo market this towards people who already have a 3DS?
  15. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    This model was supposed to be a cheaper, low-budget version of the original 3DS, so that the people who were sitting on the fence to buy one would be urged to purchase this model. However, that reason still doesn't justify taking out the folding feature, which is essential to protecting the vital parts of the 3DS when you carry it along.
  16. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Bring out the special 2DS protective cases and all the other add-ons that shouldn't have been an issue if they could just fold the damn thing.

    Also, new revision, didn't make the right analog stick a part of the system. Fucking why, Ninty?
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ironically since they're trying to save money, it would have been cheaper to stick with the same design, because then they'd have been able to reuse the moulds and tooling they already have for the ds/3ds. As it is, they have to spend money producing new moulds.
  18. Eadelas25

    Eadelas25 Well-Known Member

    It's those kinds of decisions that make me worry if Nintendo would still be around in the future. They've already lost a lot of ground against Sony and Microsoft. Maybe Nintendo's the next Sega? I hope not...
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Sorry bros but this thing is almost perfect for my kids. Scratches won't deter them and judging from Ninty's older systems this thing will be a strong as concrete. Hinges on the DS and 3DS are frail as balls and get loose over use, plus small children like to bend things the wrong way. The 3D was superficial anyways and it was only useful for what? Like one game? Portability for kids doesn't really matter cause they have small ass pants anyways, they'll just shove the things they need in their backpack. So yeah, this thing isn't for you guys, not even me.

    The only issue I see is that the L and R buttons are too far away to use for children.

    And I almost forgot. This is essentially competing with the older DS models. Parents still buy that shit and the 2DS is a way to bring it down to a more affordable price to finally put the old DS to sleep.

  20. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Hell, they're far away for most people with normal sized hands. I would have been better if they made it like the Z button like on the N64, only for the shoulder buttons. Would have given it a better grip too.