hi guys i have an urge to play some FPS games atm but i'm not very good at them so i want a nice easy one to play (not COD as i hate those games) it cant be super state of the art games like crysis but not to old as im running win7. if it is a online game like TF2 than it needs to have like a newbie server for people who are low level players. thanks in advance. also on PC. P.S not to expensive please. My List Halo 1&2 Star wars Battlefront 1-2 TF2 Deus Ex (i gave up on that for the time being) Half Life (i did not like it i dont like zombies unless its COD) Left 4 Dead (its okay but dosnt run well on my PC) PC Specs 2.1 GHZ Athlon Semporion Prccessor 3GB RAM 250 GB Hardrive Win7 32 bit ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics card
Well TF2 is free now, and I'm pretty sure there newbie servers, and even then since its free there's gonna be lots of newbies to play with. The Halo's are a good choice, they're not incredibly hard by any means, star wars battlefront is also a good and easy one.
cant run it i dont think my laptop struggles with TF2 and the best i managed to run on it was the bulletstorm demo
will duke nukem run on win7? i played a bit of the original HL and i didnt like it (i got scared as much as i hate to say it)
If it doesn't run, you should be able to emulate it. I'm not sure if it's a problem though. You can right-click on applications, select properties, click on the compatibility tab, and run it in windows 98 mode. Also, I believe that they somehow managed to get wifi mode on DS emulators, so you should check out Metroid Prime hunters.
Well Counter Strike would be good, but so would be Cross Fire, even though most of the people online are hackers now adays.
not natively, but google eduke32, that will allow you to play it on new OSes. get the HRP too, that bumps the textures and resolutions up to modern day standards.
Counter Strike is one of the most serious FPS I have ever played, it's pretty good ( if you are good at it ) because the people online can kill the shit outta you ... and this game is pretty much an online game so I believe i'll have to rule it out.. !! Best Fps that is easy has to be the COD series not the first 3 but Modern warfare onwards if you play it on an easy level..!! Other than that their is this game called Solider of Fortune.. the first part not the others coz' they'll take a shit out of you.. ! There is always Halo..!! not a big fan though nad Call of Juarez.. all are pretty easy game.. even the Battlefield series is easy if you are an avid FPS fan..