HI guys, PS3 is the only console I rent games for(my wii and 360 are modded ;D). But after MGS4 there has not been a good release. I stopped my gamefly subscription in June. Now they have send a coupon for free 5 dollars and 1 month free. I am wondering if I should reactivate. Is anything coming in September and only exclusives. For others I can get the 360 version!!!
In september I don't know of exclusives. But we do get LittleBigPlanet in October or November I think.
well this year for PS3, lets see.... : Prince of persia PS home CoD5: World at war check out www.gamespot.com Next year on march: Resident evil!!!! xD BTW if u want a good game try GTAIV>>>> this game ROCKS!! ^^ Thank You
Well, if you're into Strategy RPGs, Disgaea 3 is pretty good. Other than that, I wouldn't know since I don't really keep up-to-date on PS3.
Tekken 6 will be released in the US in November, Europe version is yet to be announced. The Japanese one will come in December.
wait till next year, possibly by feburary, and you'll have some plenty of sony exclusives. but if you want to go with the flow when things come out, then you should comeback on october. on october you get little big planet and socom. check this out, http://ps3.ign.com/index/release.html nothing has become exclusive any more, there are some but not much [metal gear is the only one i believe]. things were becoming exclusive when the ps1,2 were successful as they saw many ps1,p2 consoles being sold. but when the 360/ps3 weren't meeting expected console sales, it changed the publishers goals on making things exclusives. so they made things multi-console release. look at what square did with ff13, they made it multi-console outside of japan only, which has the most 360 user base then compared japan. if they released the ps3 only, then square would not make the money from the many 360 users outside of japan. 360 exclusives are different because to make ps3 games from 360, the developers are forced to work twice as hard. because of this, they simply don't want to spend the extra work.
nobody wants to change the format to blu-ray, although, they would have a lot more space to put additional content (which they never do).
my only reason for buying a ps3 XD if namco decides to screw sony and do a non exclusive release I'd celebrate since I don't have to shell out cash. But alas the rumor of tekken being a non exclusive is dead