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News for gateway 3ds users

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Jack2013, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Jack2013

    Jack2013 Member

    The news was released yesterday that is 20/10/2013

    After receiving alot of emails with questions on our new 2.0 firmware update, we decided to answer some recurring questions :

    - Are you working on multirom support? Yes, we are working on multirom support. We hope to have it ready for the 2.0 release.

    - Are you working on nand savegame support for pokemon/animal crossing? Yes, we will have pokemon and animal crossing working for the 2.0 release, we will not stop until we have this working!

    - What can I do with emunand? It will emulate the system's storage and redirect it to SD, which allows you to update the "emulated NAND" to latest firmware while still keeping your system's physical NAND storage to 4.5. This means you won't need to miss out on fun things like eShop and more.

    - Will you support retail gamecards? Yes, we will add an option to launch the original firmware (with emunand support) so you can play retail gamecards.

    - Will you support saving without needing to close the application? Yes, we are working on directly updating the savegame file on SD when the savegame chip is being updated. We hope to have it ready for the 2.0 release.

    - Are you working on supporting online play? We will start working on this after the 2.0 release.

    - Are you working on supporting 5.x and 6.x 3DS systems? Yes, we have still not given up hope to support these consoles. But please be patient.
  2. GoCeltices

    GoCeltices Member

  3. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    really promising :D
  4. GoCeltices

    GoCeltices Member

    Maybe when our fw is V6.x, the gateway 3ds can finally support the V5.0. :(
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Guess what.....it's been v.6.3.0-12 for the 3DS and 2DS since September 13th 2013. Soon there would probably be v.6.4.0. While Gateway is still stuck at v.1.2, there's no telling when v.2.0 be released. Thus hasn't been able to even pass the old barrier, it's falling behind.
  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Have to remember though, it's the first of it's kind.
    The group may not have experience with flashcards before (as apposed to the Acekard or SuperCard team) and they're dealing with a pretty secure console.

    So it's a pretty good start for the 3DS flashcard scene.
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    There's no denying that it's a good start, but it is also falling behind.
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Let's see if the new 1 : 1 clone of the Gateway, released by the famous R4i Gold 3DS team would be able to keep up with it.