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Newbie--- What is a Download Point ???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by awfreak, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. awfreak

    awfreak Active Member

    ok, it's GREAT these are downloads, not torrents !!! i don't do torrents (screwed my computer before).

    my question is what's the Point system?

    sorry, i tried to find online help documents about it but nothing.

    i take it, i can't be registered and just start downloading, so what's the scoop.?

    many thanks for any helps.

  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Points are what lets you download the bigger files here (Mostly PSX and PSP ISOs)

    They're working (Not sure if they finished it yet :p) on making it so that any file over a set limit (I think they decided around 75MB or so) would cost points.

    As far as acquiring points, there's a bunch of ways to do it, like just sitting around and doing nothing, which will net you 50 points a day. (150 if you're a premium member) and you can also leave comments for various games and upload screenshots for 5 points a picture (I think it's 2 for comments but don't hold me to that)

    If you have any further questions, we'll be sure to try our best to answer them :)
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    comments don't yield points anymore, we had too much comment spam so had to disable that.

    Asmadi is correct otherwise, although I will clarify that your screenshots must be approved by the admin team before you receive the points, and roms/ISOs over 75MB compressed do indeed cost points (1pt per MB roughly)

    in addition, awfreak, you might want to read this page: https://www.romulation.org/introduction.php as that is the page you couldn't find. I will speak to Seph about making it a bit more obvious.
  4. awfreak

    awfreak Active Member

    Thank you very much

    The help and communication is greatly appreciated !
