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Newbie to Supercards - Need help with 1 ROM

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by VivaTequila, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Hey there,

    First time poster on the forum. Everyone here looks so helpful and there's a lot of insightful guides, so I thought you guys would be the experts to ask.

    I was given a Nintendo DS with a Supercard SD (This product http://eng.supercard.sc/manual/sd.htm) with many pre-installed games on it. I've been playing them and now I've decided that I wanted to get back in touch with my old childhood of pokemon, and install Pokemon Black (and possibly other Pokemon games in the future).

    However, I have no idea how to go about it.

    The short version full of questions:
    - From the .rar file (picture below or here -> http://www.dumpyourphoto.com/files4/108636/635MAKvuwHr.png), which one do I extract and use as my .nds file
    - Once I have that .nds file (I don't know which one to use!), I need to convert it to nds.dsq so it can be read by my specific flashcart right?
    - If so, in the process of converting it do I need to enable cheats so that I can use that Action Replay Code I've heard about which enables saving (and prohibits the .nds file from working on no$gba)?
    - And again if so, how do I enter cheats on my DS using this flashcart so that I can allow it to save
    - Otherwise, how do I go about getting a working version of Pokemon Black onto my flash cart?
    - And finally, if I were to attempt to set up any other pokemon games, would I need to follow different processes or is it largely the same?

    The long version:

    So far, I've gathered that I need to install the software (done and dusted, I have version V2.71 which is the latest) and obtain a ROM. However, I'm so confused as to what's going on with the ROM and what I'm actually supposed to do to convert my Pokemon Black RAR into a working nds.dsq file.

    Inside my rar file is this:

    Unsure of how to go about it, I've extracted the first one to get a 256mb file.

    From there I've opened it up and converted it to an nds.dsq file, and now I'm simply waiting on my SD card reader to test it out on the game.

    However, what I'm worried about is being unable to play it on my ds because when I have tried the same ROM on no$gba, I get this error message:

    After googling it, I've seen that (according to this link: http://forums.ngemu.com/showthread.php?t=139070 sorry if publishing links to other forums is against the rules but it's just there for reference purposes and making anyone who decides to help me have an easier time doing it) that I need to use an Action Replay DS code to allow the save game from working. From that, I assume that the ROM has some in-built anti-piracy measures and I'm not sure how that'll affect the way that my flashcart/ds runs the game. Any insight on this?

    And most of all, a very sincere, genial thanks to any and all of you who put an effort into helping me out here :)
  2. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Anyone have any idea? Every time I try to patch the ROM it still doesn't work on my DS.
  3. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    Why are you patching it? works fine on my DSi clean.
  4. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Because of the model of my flashcart, it only plays .nds.dsq files so you always need to convert the files before you play. Check out the link that I posted up the top in the OP.

    (And thanks for replying, I am still extremely keen to get this working and I've had no luck as of yet)
  5. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Your card should be able to play a .nds file fine.
    Why is it not working?
  6. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Whenever I try to play regular NDS files on it, it just loads forever. It'll say the game is 160k+ and will load for 5ish min, and once it hits 99k it'll go back to zero. When I convert the roms, they normally work. In this scenario, I think my converter isn't working because the output nds.dsq file isn't working. Does anyone have a patched Pokemon Black .dsq file for the original flash SD?
    Post Merge: [time]1335095238[/time]
    Can confirm that I just tested a regular .nds file, and it loads indefinitely
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Is this from the Passcard era of NDS carts? This is seriously old stuff as far as flash carts go, just a step ahead of the oldest. Hate to say it, but there haven't been updates for that in a number of years. It's highly doubtful that you'll ever be running Pokemon Black on that. Pick yourself up an Original R4 (only a 1:1 clone, but it works the same) for $4 or something.

    Just as a heads up, nobody will have .nds.dsq files these days, as all modern flash kits run from slot 1 only, need nothing special, and can run .nds files without issue.
  8. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Suspicions confirmed... could you link me to a model? I'm very out of tune with all this technology but I can probably bring myself up to speed, there's more than enough resources in this forum.
    Post Merge: [time]1335196442[/time]
    Actually rather than researching for countless hours myself, what is the cheapest model you can reccomend that can play the pokemon series? Like SS and HG, Diamond and Pearl, and Black and White? Cos that's all I'll be using it for.
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Since you have something that still can utilize a GBA slot: Original R4

    As I said previously, these are actually 1:1 reproductions, since the original company that produced these carts were shut down by Nintendo a few years ago. They are identical as far as hardware goes, and that's what's important. It can't use SDHC memory, but can support up to 2GB MicroSD, which has always been more than enough space for me. It uses the Wood kernel, which actually just got it's latest update a few days back. It can easily play all of the Pokemon DS games, no patching needed.

    By the way, I'd hold onto that Supercard SD. Slot 2 carts in general are a bit of a rarity anymore, besides the EZ Flash IV. You might be able to make some cash if you're ever in the market to sell it. I can't say if it will sell for rarity or function though. Either way, you could probably get rid of it quickly on somewhere like the Buying/Selling section of GBAtemp.
  10. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Thank you for all your help, I am very, very appreciative.

    So the Original R4 which you linked... it looks like a Slot 1. That's all good and well, but why have you said "Since you have something that can still utilize a GBA slot" I would have expected it to be a Slot 2 card...?

    Nonetheless, I trust your word because you've been extremely helpful and informative :p. Could you tell me whether or not this is a safe buy http://www.v2watch.com/r4ds-card-simple-packing-100-genuine-r4-ds-revolution-flash-card-for-any-nds-nds-lite-p-8645.html? It seems a little too cheap to be true! A micro SD card reader and the R4 card itself!

    ... One question though - when I'm buying an "Original R4" is that actually a Micro SD card in itself? And if so, does it need a cartridge to be able to plug into slot 2 (like my current Slot 2 card does) or does it fit by default into that slot?

    Basically I don't have a Micro SD card OR a cartridge which holds a Micro SD card to plug into slot 1 (if they exist) OR a Micro SD card reader. Will everything in that link get me what I need?

    And cool, my Supercard SD is now an antique :). What an awesome, weird, quirky perk!

    edit After a bit of googling I've confused myself completely.

    Is this correct: The R4 card you linked me fits inside a cartridge (called a Flash Cart?) which goes inside Slot 2?
    If yes: Will my Super Card SD Cartridge (which fits SD Cards - Not MicroSD cards AFAIK - currently inside is an SD Elite Pro 2GB Kingston SD Card) accommodate the Original R4 which I plan on buying? From the looks of it below it seems the same size as my SD Elite Pro 2GB Kingston card:
    My card

    Card I've been suggested to buy (I think)

    If it's not correct... wth do I do?
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I mentioned the part about you still having a slot 2, since that meant it was either a DS Phat, or a DSlite. You need different flash carts for the DSi and 3DS to play DS games due to their flash cart blocking firmware updates. The Phat and Lite thankfully didn't have this setback.

    Anyways, yes, that is a slot 1 cart. It is the size of a normal DS game, and has a little slot on the top for a MicroSD card that is inserted directly into the cart. That $2 is actually around the price of the Original R4 these days (it only being able to run on non-DSi/3DS's, as well as the 2GB limit keeps prices low). Anyways, a MicroSD card is a relatively small memory card. You'll pretty much just want to get your hands on this, though any old 2GB MicroSD card will get the job done.

    That link looks like it will get you the cart, and the MicroSD card reader (those USB readers are pretty helpful). That is the general package for any flash cart. The MicroSD card is pretty much the spendy thing out of this all, and it is still fairly cheap (as much flash memory has become). The only thing you have to get separately is the memory, which of course, will arrive substantially more quickly due to you likely buying it or ordering it from within your country, vs the flash cart being bought from China. You can just admire the memory card until the flash cart shows up. :p
  12. VivaTequila

    VivaTequila Member

    Wait so it's a Slot 2 "container" so to speak which I can then put a MicroSD card in?

    I think I get it.

    There's no way to put my current (non-micro) SD card into the Slot 1 "container" is there?

    Pretty much last and final questions I have...

    Can you confirm the following?
    The R4 is a container which I can insert a MicroSD card into, and the whole unit plugs into the back of my DS in Slot 1?
    It can play Pokemon HG, SS, Diamond, Pearl, Black, and White no sweat?
    I have to follow other guides later down the track when it arrives to install Wood OS on it?

    I can buy the R4 from any of the sites listed here?
    I can easily buy an MicroSD card from Amazon as shown here?

    I need to obtain copies of the ROMs and then from there on in, it's a matter of getting the Wood OS from working before the games will be compatible with the R4?

    And once again, thanks so much for clarifying all my problems. I'll proceed to purchase both the R4 and a micro SD if you confirm that's all good :)