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Newbie ... be gentle! ensuring games are in English

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kyden1702, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. kyden1702

    kyden1702 New Member

    Ok I am probably the last person on the planet to know about the R4 (but as I am over 40 and struggle to use a cashpoint at times getting this working is a minor miracle in itself!) My question is "How can I ensure that the game I am downloading is in English?" I understand (E) (U) (J) and (K) but having just downloaded pokemon pearl for my 9 year old with an (E) label he now has to learn German before he can play the game ( which he isn't over impressed about).... all advice gratefully received ;)
  2. bullno1

    bullno1 Member

    E stands for Europe. Most Europe games have language options. Some (E) games don't have English but I don't think that's Pokemon's case. You should set your DS firmware language setting to english. Don't put in the R4, turn the DS on, choose the lowest icon, i think. There are several icons in there, choose the one that looks like the globe. That's the language setting.

    Btw, most pokemon games have U (SA) versions, you can just download them.
  3. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Chances are, the (E) game you downloaded had a bunch of flags at the beginning when you started it up.. All you need to do it press the flag of England, and not the German flag.

    And, like bullno1 said, (U) is straight english, not (E). To this day that gets me the wrong ROMs all the time D:
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well all of you are confused.

    True, (E) is Europe but this does not guarantee English, and sometimes it's just one language, it really depends on how the release group label the release, we don't check *every* release to ensure the (E) label is not in fact a (G), that's just not within our resources. Often (E) games will allow you to choose the language though.

    As for (U), these ROMs often have three languages included, English, French and Spanish (North America is not just English speaking!). This is often chosen for you based on the firmware language. So sometimes (U) ROMs can be more confusing if you haven't configured your DS/emulator properly.
  5. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    This is quite helpful - thank you.

    Based on what you all have mentioned above, if I down a ROM with a (J) or (K) but set my firmware to English, will the ROM/game play in English or will it always depend on the particular saved ROM file? Is there a way to get a non-English ROM to play in English?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    (j) is japanese only, (k) is korean only. In some very rare cases the rom contains english and the language can be changed by modifying the rom. In other cases games can be patched to english, but both of these cases are exceptions to the rule.
  7. kyden1702

    kyden1702 New Member

    Many thanks to you all, I'm sure this wont be my last post and it's good to know that there is so much help available for the technologically disadvantaged!