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New users guide to setting up wood r4

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by tolgar, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. tolgar

    tolgar Member

    New users guide to setting up wood r4

    Wood R4 by the yellow.wood.goblin will give your R4 the look and feel of an Acekard, but at less than half the cost. Game compatibility is very good, over 99% games work clean without the need for patching.


    1. Buying an R4
    2. Extracting from Archives.
    3. Setting up your MicroSD card.
    4. Installing Wood R4
    5. Introduction to the Wood R4 Graphical User Interface
    6. Putting games onto your MicroSD card.
    7. Favorites
    8. Saves
    9. Cheats.
    10. Soft Reset.
    11. Installing Skins.
    12. Links

    Download this step by step guide Now [ Click here ]
  2. DominicSpolec

    DominicSpolec Active Member

    No, don't buy this r4 card, just buy the r4i gold from r4ids.cn and another, this guide is not that useful and just want to do the ad, useful post please.