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new to this help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by gobby34, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. gobby34

    gobby34 New Member

    hello i a new to this and stuck i have a dsi and ordered a R4i card for my dsi i goit tinker bell game from this site winrar this and its on my pc but how do i download this? as it isnt downloaded? do i need to wait for my r4i card to arri ve be4 downloadin g a game

    please help
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Read that for a head start.

    It answer's the basics, but...

    You can't do much, you'd still need to download the files of course, and you can prep for when it does come, but not much else.
  3. gobby34

    gobby34 New Member

    so i cant download it till me r4 is here when i have the software
  4. matty999555

    matty999555 Well-Known Member

    You can download it, you can unrar it, you can even play it(on a pc emulator using no$gba and no$zoomer) to see if its any good.

    You can download the firmware, unrar/zip the firmware ready for your card.

    You could even download dpg movies and veiw them on your pc to see if there any good(dpgplay).

    You could even visit GBAtemp to compare other cards, and you can guess what comes next!

  5. canobeans

    canobeans New Member

    hi everyone...i too am new to this and last night downloaded 21 games for my sons new dsi...but only 7 will play...all the others show a key symbol and will not load. now i have a 7 year old who thinks his old man is a right con artist cos he promised games and couldnt deliver. im guessing that this key symbol means the game is locked so my question is how to i unlock it...is there somewhere i can go to get a code or something. i have read through no end of threads on this forum but not found a solution...please can anyone help???
  6. matty999555

    matty999555 Well-Known Member

    In future I recommend making a new thread as I almost didn't notice this!(Mods, don't get angry!)

    I think that symbol means that you can aply cheats, I can't really say anything except update the firmware and if that fails format the card. I could help you more if I knew the flash cazrt you where using.
  7. canobeans

    canobeans New Member

    its a new R4i card for DSi with 2gb micro sd and games down loaded from RomUlation and used in his new nintendo DSi. I formatted it and followed all instructions from the main RomUlation site. Excuse my ignorance but some of the terms used go straight over my head...words like patches, firmware, emulation, etc...is there a glossary of terms on here?...hehehe!!!
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