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new to the psx rom games please help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ladykanna, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. ladykanna

    ladykanna Member

    so are psx rom means games for the playstation2 or is it something else and can not be played on playstation2?

    so how can i start playing the psx rom games?
    can i somehow put the games on a dvd disc and put it in my playstation2 to play?
    and if i can how do i do it to make it work on the playstaion 2?
    i know i must sound such a newb at this >//< But i will be grateful for your help ^^
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If your ps2 is modded (mod chip) then it could play them, no idea if the non evasive "swap disc" method works.

    And ps1 games (psx-ps1=original playstation games) go on CD's unlike ps2 games which are in most cases burnt on dvd's.

    And we all start somewhere, I know how you feel :)
  3. ladykanna

    ladykanna Member

    thanks >//< you're awesome...
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    If you're going to be playing PSX games on a PS2, then you need a swap disc.
    I own a set for PS2 games only, but have never tried the PSX swap discs.

    Here is an example of the PSX swap discs. - http://www.modchip.ca/store/product.php?productid=16193&cat=256&page=1