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New to Romulation

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by emstar, Dec 26, 2009.

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  1. emstar

    emstar New Member

    Hello Everyone!
    I am Em from the UK
    2 kids, 3 xboxes, 4 PCs, 2 DSIs
    1 Hubby with no interest in the techy world what so ever lol. (Anorak!)

    I was introduced to this site by a friend for which i will be forever grateful!

    nice to meet you all
    EM x
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hello and welcome to romUlation :)

    please read the stickes and the rules that apply, and if in doubt, post a thread but leave as much info as you can.

    I normally hang out in technical help and forum fun, jokes and spam (in the spam section no doubt XD).

    Wow, 3 xobx, 4 pc's...do you run a bussiness or does everyone have their own private pc/game system XD

    It can't beat mine still.

    -ps3 (coming soon)
    -original gameboy x2
    -Gameboy pocket
    -Gameboy colour
    -Gameboy advance
    -Gameboy advance SP
    -Ds phat (rare jap colour-graphite black)
    -Ds lite x2 (one is a broken dark blue ds...it's rare but brother demolished it :( )
    -Buggered desktop that is for mum/rest of family
    -Amazing laptop that runs high ends games like resident evil 5 :)

    LOL...enough about my collection :)

    Anyways, welcome, and I might be one of the first to help you out if you run into emulation problems :)
  3. Adiraya

    Adiraya Member

    hmmmm.... 3 xboxes..... send me one... hahaha
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Welcome emstar! Please enjoy your stay! If you have any problem with emulation/technical problem you are at the right address!

    Make sure you've read the rules before posting!

    Here some handy BBCodes:


    Type the text you want to appear!

    Puts the text in the center of the screen​

    [me=(your username)]type what you are doing here, it will appear as so:[/me]
    [me=YoshiFlip]is welcoming someone[/me]

    That are some handy ones. Try them out!

    Also, go visit the Spam thread! You can spam about everything there.

    Oh, if you want to see my collection:

    VERRRRRRRRRRY old SNES, (from my father :p)
    DS Lite,
    Computer (a good one ;)),
    Another computer (from my dad),

    Enough about me, go exploring the forum!
  5. isaac100

    isaac100 Well-Known Member

    Welcome To Romu, Enjoy Your Stay!
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