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new to dstt

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by leevenu, Nov 17, 2009.

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  1. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    I need some help, I have formatted my micro sd card FAT32 and when I download games I keep getting a frown face on my NDS. I just got this card and I am not sure if there is something else I need to do before I get started loading games on it?? I am not computer saavy so please only idiot proof instructions. I love this website you people are so informed and know exactly what to do when I have a problem.
  2. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    did you put the TTmenu and the TTmenu.dat on the root of your SD card?
  3. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    Did I do WHAT?? ???
    Post Merge: [time]1258484900[/time]
    Remember only idiot proof questions and directions!!!! ;D
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    1. You formated your card

    2. Download the latest DSTT fimware from the site... Refixed TTMenu Kernel v1.17a07, 2009-09-26 new


    Direct link, English firmware


    3. Unpack files from 7zip arcive, Onto your micro microsd card

    4. Make a new folder and call it what you like... My Games
  5. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    Ok done. got the game onto the sd card and when I put it into the NDS the game is there it comes up loading... then another a black menu comes up saying ROM loading failed TTMenu.sys error! please reset system.???? What do I do?
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    OMG, they left that in there

    Try deleting "TTMenu.sys" system file and try again!, "(Note) Not the TTMENU.dat"

    The TTMENU.sys was pre set, folder est
  7. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    I deleted everything off the card and started fresh. The game is still on the card. I have downloaded the new kernel and opened the file. So the menu in WinRAR has 4 files. This 1st line has Folder and that is it. 2nd line hasTTMenu..... folder. 3rd line has TTMenu.Sys 41,94,304 size, 662 packed, system file. 4th line hasTTMenu.DAT 334,912 size, 0 packed, file DAT. Which of these am I EXTRACTING to REMOVABLE F:
    The game I have saved to "my downloads" then I open the file, Highlight the NDS file and extract to my microsd card.
    I know that I don't know very much about doing this but I am extremely grateful for your help!!
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Are far as i know Just extract TTMenu folder and TTMENU.dat, note not ttmenu.sys

    You can make a Games folder so you can extract your .nds games there
  9. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    I just chose TTMenu folder and TTMenu.DAT and then put the game on card. Then put the game in the NDS and it loads, says creating SAV file then up pops the Rom loading failed message TTMenu.SYs error! please reset system????? I have no idea???
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Try the unofficial firmware



    Delete TTMenu.sys file anyway

    Direct link

  11. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    I downloaded the unofficial firmware and then saved it then opened the file up came WinRAR and then I extracted the "unofficial firmware file" to F: and then put a game on it and then tried to put it in the NDS and then smiley face that first comes up turned into a frown face?? How do I get the chip back to the condition that I bought it?? Maybe it is defective??
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Say what smiley face?

    Your chip is not defective if it works, formating it is the only way to wipe it clean...

    However the size of your microsd chip mabe rong for your TTDS card, i would say a 2gb micro sd card is suitable, HDSC cards may cause problems

    Post Merge: [time]1258493147[/time]
    Is your DSTT card genuine?, I have nether heard of smiley faces
    Post Merge: [time]1258493642[/time]
    Anyone else with a TTDS card that can help this guy?
  13. leevenu

    leevenu Member

    I bought it off of Mod Chip Central. I have used this before. I bought 2 last year but I had someone else put some games on them for me. I have recently learned to put games on myself and then one of my kids lost their chip so I bought another one. Thinking I could do this myself!!!!! They are bought from the same company and are 2gb. The animated smiley face that I am talking about is a picture of the Micro chip on it's side and when it normally comes up it is black on a white screen and says loading..... but now it comes up and changes the smile to a frown and turns red on a white screen and a ? where is usually says loading??? Anyone out there that can help???
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    That means it cannot find the correct firmware files on the MicroSD. Either because the MicroSD is not inserted correctly or because the firmware files are not in the correct locations.

    Try this firmware:

    Extract these files, and there will be a folder called "English"
    Open the folder called "English"
    There will be two things in there. A folder called "TTMenu" and a file called "TTMenu.DAT".
    Put both of these things directly on your MicroSD. Not in any folder, just on the card directly. This is refered to as the "Root" of the card, no folder.
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Yes do make sure that they are out of the English folder as TirithRR mentiond!
  16. Emma1981

    Emma1981 Active Member

    I had this problem before on my DSTT and the red frowny face means there is a problem with the firmware.

    Click on the link below and it will give you step by step instructions how to set the DSTT card up properly, and will also tell you how to check if your card is fake, and if it is fake how to fix it.


    I found these instructions very helpful.

    I've decided to swap to Acekard now because I get fed up with some of the new games that don't work on DSTT. Next time you get a card, I wouldn't bother with a DSTT as the support is not as good as some of the other cards.
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    They are updateing the files very week at this site for DSTT cards


    Just unpack, copy and replace the three files into your TTMenu folder
  18. Emma1981

    Emma1981 Active Member

    Is this weekly thing fixing the games that don't work Jhon? Such as COP?
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    This is what is say's


    extinfo.dat is the file included in DSTT menu 1.17a07, which fixes games with anti-piracy such as Mario and Luigi - Bowser's Inside Story and Chrono Trigger. It is updated as more anti-piracy fixes are made. You put it in the TTmenu folder, and it will NOT work unless you are using 1.17a07. Which leads me to a good point.

    WHAT'S 1.17a07?

    This is the latest unofficial DSTT firmware made by ashley and the hacking team at http://gamewiki.jp/uploader/dsma/. For more information about 1.17a07 go to http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=181996

    Mabe the COP fix will come soon in a week or so
  20. Punkrat23

    Punkrat23 New Member

    i got a dstti and played it on my ds then i got a dsi and it just comes up saying error restart sytem and too look in the operations booklet :'(
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