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new Search/filter options

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by MikeDotBe, May 25, 2007.

  1. MikeDotBe

    MikeDotBe New Member

    I'm mainly talking about the NDS roms, of course it could be taken for the other sections..

    As many (all) the ROMS have a (E), (U), (J), (K), ... wathever letter telling the origin (country/language) of the roms, i think it would be a great functionnality to be able to filter/search roms on that info

    in my cas, i'm not really a good japanese or korean reader thus i would find usefull to filter thoose languages.

  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'll put this on my todo list.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

  4. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    I posted a commend similar to this yesterday i think. Guess we all think the same. lol
  5. MikeDotBe

    MikeDotBe New Member

    Maybe some fine tunning for this great functionality would be using checkboxes instead of a drop down list box.

    Which would enable to show European and US release at the same time.

    Another cool stuff would be a reset button on the filter options.... as there are cookies remembering users choices for that form, it would be useful and easy to reset the for to his standard values

  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Checkboxes makes it a tad more difficult. I'll have to so something about the space usage too.

    What do you mean by a reset button? When a user changes the sorting options the cookie changes too, at best we can delete the cookies.
  7. KMC

    KMC Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, well Seph since check boxes would be a bit difficult to do, and i think i know why. Why don't you just organize the roms into different folders on the server? Like (U) in a folder called '(U)'. That would make it easier to organize the search and optimize it since if you tell it to only search in folders (U), and (J) then it wouldn't have to scan the entire database for those roms, just that folder. Therefor making the search faster, and easier to customize from the back end. Though i know what yo mean with check boxes since those were made for forms like saying that "yes i drink cola", but the thing is you can't easily customize the checkbox as much as you can a drop down menu. So Mike that might not get implemented soon, unless Seph finds a way to circumvent it's flaws.
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    okay it's not THAT difficult, it's just means some OR's instead of only an AND.
    Using folders on the server wouldn't make it easier, it'd only make it more annoying.

    I'll do this eventually.
  9. MikeDotBe

    MikeDotBe New Member

    Indeed... not that difficult :)
    anyway, and instead of or does not bring that much modifications...
    only some string management to create the query
    if you manage sql directly in the php code you could also use this sql :

    where country in ('U', 'E')
    instead of
    where country = 'U' or country = 'E'

    where country in ('U')
    instead of
    where country = 'U'

    it's easier for string management and has the same result :)

    now for the reset button.
    it's just a "clear form" button... of course i know cookies would change when the user change the search options.
    I just found that it could be "useful" for the common user to reset the options with only one click. :)

    Well ... anyway ... this site is GREAT

    and if ever you need help for it (or advices for coding/sql) do not hesitate.


    ps : also wanted to say that if you need french translator then ask me :)