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New Rammstein music video; Too much?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NekoHennuli, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    //Feel free to delete if this topic is inappropiate.//

    I just watched Rammstein's new video "Pussy" and I'm shocked and amused at the same time.
    I've listened Rammstein for years, and their "different" videos and concerts are.. Well.. Grotesque. but this was waaaayyy different than before.


    As a metal fan I'd like to hear opinions, 'cause I know there's many more Rammstein and metal fans.
    Is this "OMG EEEEEEW!" or "Right on boys!"

    In Finland this video has caused a lot of conversation, because of the adult content.
    We have this radio channel, Radio Rock, and they have this show "Rautaa vai roskaa" (Metal or crap), where listeners can criticise new rock and metal songs before they're out for sale. So, this week they had Rammstein's "Pussy", and there was this link to the video (With the "ADULT CONTENT"-note!). So, our stupid whiners have been mad because RAdio Rock "show to our children pornographic videos"!
    To me, that's ridiculous. Isn't it parents job to secure what their children are looking at?
  2. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    ive seen it on redtube lol
  3. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    LOL! XDD
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    This video is obviously meant to stay underground-can't play that on a normal tv music show at 9am :D

    That said, the start reminded me of house of the dead overkill-the rest was....well esculating.

    It is a bit much but this isn't meant to be for a wide audience-just small niche group or loyal fans.

    Your quite right-it is the parents job to watch overthem-but that's impossible with the nature of the net-with multitabs one could run a youtube'd barney ep whilst watching this on another-it does work XD

    But putting this clip on a radio show for the general public is a bad move-it will get panned on the vid alone.

    *unfortunatly-I may have to wait until the album comes out-or another day-to listen to clip-dad is asleep next door and head phones are in a noisy spot to access

    Overall-I don't mind but I'd turn it off if kids were near by.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Expect the link to be taken down as there's actual vagina in the video and boobies/nipples. AND SEX AND PORN.

    It's impossible to keep tabs on what anyone does online.

    Okay, from the start I didn't expect much but after the end where there was actual sex. I understand why there's controversy surrounding it. THERE'S ACTUAL SEX IN A MUSIC VIDEO.

    This is a definite EWWWW on many perspectives, actual sex or porn should not be in a music video, Rammstein's band member's look ugly, and the song sucks, what the hell happened to songs like Du Hast or Laishtait?

    This was definitely made to push people's buttons and made in bad taste. As much as I LOVE SEX, no. no. no.

    Oh, and the song sucks.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    1.I only saw the chest areas shown-took off the vid-killing my remaining 500MB :( -I must save the link

    2.They are german-not everyone is into german people

    3.I liked thier music despite the fact I don't understand a word of german-but I'd rather it as is than if they re-done it in english.

    Then again each to thier own-some call my fav band Korn "soft" rather than heavy metal-I call them "leaning towards alternitive".

    If I saw the bit at the end I'd be partially be agaisn't it instead of being netural.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The rest is pornography as silly as that sounds. It actually is, it shows sex, intercourse, and has them finishing. I like their music too, as much as their stuff sounded similar but this song sounds nothing like them and sounds a lot more pop-y.

    Despite that it's a music video and won't be shown elsewhere besides that site and redtube (I lol'd). I hate it. It's a stupid excuse for a music video, you know they made this video to spark controversy (which shouldn't be the point). Even as a porno it sucks. I'd have more respect to the video if it had some resemblance of a political message (LET US EXPRESS OURSELVES) but it doesn't. It only shows sex. Which is unneeded. If it's unneeded, then it shouldn't be there.

    This video falls in the strange place in between a music video and porn, and it fails on both parts. As the video sucks as a music video and porn and because the song sucks.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm, I couldn't hear it as sound is disabled.

    But I prefer some grunt in my metal-not more pop crap!

    And yes-as a porno it did suck for the time I wached it (half way).

    What a shame-that video is the equel of paris hilton's fame jump start-which we all know what that is ;)
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    it was nothing bad, seemed like soft core porn to me but then again the porn i watch is not everyone's cup of tea.

    maybe it's a plan to make you not realize that the song you are listening too sounds almost exactly the same as the majority of shit they pump out.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's not softcore, softcore doesn't show penetration.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i know its not, but not that bad
  12. Samuraiiuk

    Samuraiiuk New Member


    Rammstein ftw...
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I was disappointed.

    The video clips were not on the screen long enough to get a good look :(
  14. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Yeah :(

    Text of this song is... lol :p
  15. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    That's what I think too. For example, how many of you have seen the original banned "Engel" music video? Without Youtube. =P

    Why it is bad idea? There's the "Adult Content"-note above the link, and even an idiot could figure it out that it contains sex.If you're so stupid to watch it even if you don't want to and knowing, there will be sex, why let everyone else sauffer of your stupidity?

    I don't mind either, but if I had children, I wouldn't show this to them. =P
    I was shocked too at first, but knowing Rammstein, this was about to happen, sooner or later. =P

    Well, everyone has their opinion, but I don't like it how people judge other people without knowing them, and based on their looks. How'd you feel, if for example, my husband saw your picture and first thing he'd say was "My god that bitch is ugly!"?
    How come the song sucks? Explain, please.
    Well, it's new style, but it's just a one song for the whole album. We don't know yet, if there'll be even better songs than the old ones. =P

    Hey, since when Rammstein had any taste? XDD
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Taste-never XD

    I just showed my mates the vid-we lol'd XD

    The music it's self is a bit of pop but it's got a bit more grunt that some of korns song's these days-and that isn't a good thing for me :(
  17. omega71

    omega71 Member

    If this is the only way they are going to be able to sell records now, then meh.
  18. sin4nothing

    sin4nothing New Member

    Umm omega you know nothing about Rammstein then. I saw them with KMFDM back in the day... excellent concert (1997).
    Anyways my favorite song by Rammstein is Sonne. Excellent video too. This song doesn't seem as "deep" (no pun intended) as their previous stuff.
    If they wanted to sell records they would talk about murder and all that "cool" stuff that people are into now.
    Also Du Riechst is also a great song (and video).
    So no they arn't sell outs omega.
  19. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Rammstein = Awesome. Period.
    When they were getting arrested on that well, it was clearly a giant penis, that sprayed what looked like handsoap, during one of their concerts was lulz. I'm sure they laughed as well XD

    "During "Bück dich" he uses a fake penis that sprays liquid everywhere. It is attached to a hose running down his leg and off stage if you look." - Source: herzeleid.com

    Pretty sure it wasn't this incident that got them arrested, though.

    EDIT: OH, and by the way; have you guys SEEN rammstein[dot]de yet? utter LOL
  20. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Rammstein do this to get people talking which in turn = more attention and hence more cd sales. Look at other bands with their shock tactics to generate profits. SLipknot = masks (although they were a decent band), Slayer = anti-christianity (even though everyone knows Tom Araya is Catholic), Cradle of Filth = corpse paint (and they are a commercial black metal band). Basically it generates publicity, get's people talking. In reality I think it is just a tactic used by bands when they have truthfully run out of ideas.

    No one actually discusses the song itself, it's just the video they are discussing cos in reality the song sucks balls and shows a band that has run out of steam. Furthermore, I wouldn't really clasify them as a metal band. They are industrial rock. Industrial metal bands are Fear Factory, Daath etc.

    Old Rammstein was great but I think their new stuff is boring.

    Furthermore, metal and rock is all about rebelling and causing chaos and getting "regular" people talking and I think this video is a great tool (haha...tool...haha) to do this. It's an awesome video but a rather drab song. heh heh