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New r4 SDHC v2.10T "Loading..." error

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Mahglazzies, May 22, 2010.

  1. Mahglazzies

    Mahglazzies Member

    Now then, I'll begin with one very simple fact: I'm a huge noob.

    With that out of the way, allow me to explain myself. I recently purchased an R4 SDHC card from http://www.r4card.org, and no matter where I look, I can't find the appropriate firmware and whatnot. It is v2.10T and I purchased it with the 8 GB miniSD card. I've already tried http://www.r4sdhc.com/ for the kernel (I tried upgrading from a previous version) and a few other places but no matter what, it refuses to work.

    What's the problem? Is it possible I'm running on a clone? Is r4card.org not trustworthy? It's very frustrating, and I'm looking for a solution. If anybody can offer me any helpful advice or point me towards the right direction, that would be great. I apologize in advance if I missed a thread somewhere with my solution or if I'm coming off as completely ignorant but I'm really trying to get this to work.

    If I need to provide more information, just let me know.

    Thanks in advance,

    - Mahglazzies

    EDIT: The r4 SDHC in question looks like this: [​IMG]
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    First time I've seen an R4 card with RENOVATION on it.
  3. Mahglazzies

    Mahglazzies Member

    Yeah. On the website I purchased it off of the screen shot is COMPLETELY different from what it actually looks like.

    I've probably been had pretty badly. Anybody see anything similar to this before, and is there ANYTHING that works with this accursed thing?
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    first of all, it is a clone, and every R4 now a days are clones because they stopped making the original like 3 years ago, and are u sure u are downloading the correct firmware. http://www.r4sdhc.com/down.asp go to this website and make sure u are downloading the R4 SDHC v2.10T firmware and not for the R4i SDHC

  5. dblood

    dblood Well-Known Member

    Woah man they ripped you off they stopped making R4s a long time ago and they stopped updating them too.
  6. Mahglazzies

    Mahglazzies Member

    Yeah, I tried that. However, isn't the R4i SDHC v2.10T firmware the same thing as the R4 SDHC V2.10T firmware? When you make that selection it takes you here: http://www.r4sdhc.com/r4tsdhc.asp which only lists the R4i SDHC V2.10T firmware.

    The 1.34 firmware works, so somebody suggest I compare the files and name the v2.10T firmware to fit it, but I haven't tried yet. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

    It's too bad I made my purchase before doing ample research. I'll be snagging a DSTwo from a TRUSTED website on payday. Thanks again.