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New Pokemon Game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by blakearceus, May 31, 2010.

  1. blakearceus

    blakearceus Active Member

    I'm working on a hacked Pokemon game for ds.
    It will be pokemon pearl
    I am going to include all the 5th generation pokemon in it
    If anyone has already made a hacked rom pm my good tips and stuff i can use
    If anyone has ideas to put in my game post them here including a name (i have thought about calling it pokemon pearl hacked edition)
  2. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    How bout instead of pokemon, make a completely original game with different gameplay =P
  3. Arcelio

    Arcelio Well-Known Member

    That's much more difficult than working on a Pokemon game, and nobody who's just starting out should start completely fresh. You say it as if it's easy to make a new game. It isn't, if you didn't know. That's why developers can take months or years fine-tuning a game.

    I would actually recommend that the OP starts with the Pokemon games on GameBoy Advance, and then slowly work his/her way up to Nintendo DS.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    All of them, or just the ones we know about right now?

    Because if it's the former I must congratulate you for having such detailed foresight to be able to see into the future and take notes of the base stats, sprites, types and movesets of potentially 150 new Pokemon.

    P.S. That black legendary thing is going to be Dragon/Electric. Just saying.
  5. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I was thinking that there would be a new Ghost/Dragon type legendary for the new games. Although, now that I've actually seen them; I think that a new "Light" type will be added for the new games and the two legendaries will probably be Light/Dragon and Dark/Dragon types respectively (corresponding to their colours).
    You heard it here first, folks!
  6. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    Been speculated all over Serebii.

    If I recall the japanese consider the fighting type the light type, since fighting stands for honorable fighter, and dark stands for cheating fighter.
  7. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I don't go there. Damn, I was geefully hoping that I was the only person on the Internets that had the idea.

    Could you explain that a little further please? Does "fighting" really have a positive connotation in Japanese? And ditto for "dark".
  8. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    Uhm, that's basically all I read about it. They treat the fighting type as the warrior type really, like machop and the Hitmon* family. They are fair fighters so to say, whilst pokemon like Sneasel resort to tricks like fake out and false swipe.
  9. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    It might be wrong. It's a rumour atm.
  10. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Oh, O.K. I see what you meant now.
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Well... Good luck on that...
  12. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

  13. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    can i have it when you finished it? just aploaded it somewhere.. hehe... never try to hacked pokemon in DS.. only in GBA, and it take eight months to do it.. haha.. hope you'll do it faster...
  14. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I was thinking they might be dark/dragon (that thing has to be dark for sure) and ice/dragon, they don't need to directly oppose each other type wise, just look at all of the previous legendaries. Their colours already match black and white, that's enough. Adding a light type may just throw off the balance of things, I doubt they will.
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    But remember people, when it's done... he will be pokemon pearl.
  16. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    They added two new types in the second generation (Steel and Dark). <Admittedly, that was a long time ago though. There are rumours that Black and White are going to have bigger differences between them that previous twinned games as well.
  17. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    They added those types to create more balance, not on a whim. Psychic pokemon were overpowering in the original games.
  18. Ingram242

    Ingram242 Member

    Could you put Dratini as a starter ?