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New Little Site Modifications

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by insanecrazy07, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see something along the lines of when a person first registers on the site (forum side) that they be required to fully read the rules, much like a TOS agreement, scroll all of the way to the bottom, hit accept, type a captcha, answer a 10 question quiz on said rules, and then be constantly reminded of said rules every time they log in until they meet a threshold (like time, activity, how many stars they have whatever...)
    If they fail, then they are not allowed on the forum for a set amount of time.

    Also, if the person registers, downloads a few roms and then becomes inactive for let's say 5 days (for example), then that person has to redo this process over again, even if they meet that threshold. Everyone needs to be reminded of the rules every now and then.

    Whatever it takes to get these damn rules EMBEDDED into their little brains. This would screen out the first tier of idiots, but not the second tier of idiots that manage to pass the screen test. The second tier of idiots should have slightly more intelligence than the first ones and might be easier to tolerate.

    I just feel bad for Reider (mostly I've seen Reider, but the rest of the staff as well) having to deal with every noob with under 10 posts that breaks 5-10 rules at once.

    And it's the 24th of July everyone.
  2. neim81094

    neim81094 Active Member

    That sukz bro! wat if someone doesnt have time for that? bro dont tell me u read the whole entire licence ? thats stupid....just my opinion dont take it to offense....
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You obviously haven't read the rules.
  4. neim81094

    neim81094 Active Member

    lol actually, i no the rulez, its just the tests and all that..... that's a little extreme don't you think?
  5. ICE-X

    ICE-X Well-Known Member

    That's a good idea, but it seems like it would be kind of annoying. I agree people don't follow the rules enough, but that just seems like it would be taking it too far. Maybe give people a warning for breaking a rule the first time, and then suspend their account for like a week if they do it again.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if you've read them, follow them. Since you broke them in your previous post, you hadn't read them.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We will never do this. It is very much against anything user friendly.
  8. neim81094

    neim81094 Active Member

    well bro, i think you should have the rules on the front page of the forum like on the top, so when someone accesses the site, the rules will be smack in their faces
  9. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    well making the person read the rules before they register wouldn't be too bad....everything else the OP said would be though
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You can't make someone do something, people today don't read, they skim for what they think they're after and then afterwards complain about all the things they didn't find. That's what makes web design so damn difficult.
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Awww, I love you too man. *hugs*

    ^no homo

    Seph basically shares my opinion on the matter. While it'd be nice to have members that are a cut above the usual, it wouldn't be nearly as user-friendly as a result and maintaining that level of user-friendliness is the only way we'll grow even more. I can always pop some aspirin if I get a headache anyways. =/
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    No one will read it-they will skip it and jot down to the "i agree" button...

    One site I visited asked to repeat one of the rules-5 seconds later I forgot it...no wiat I remember..

    "no asking about roms here"

    But it won't work-besides the mods here are like drill sergents-they never rest-very active bunch-I hope you guys get paid for your services :)