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new idea

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by thegameman, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. thegameman

    thegameman New Member

    i think that there sould be a compertion every mounth. heres how. it be triva about games from the old to the new. and if the person who wins it gets lets say 700 points. know here how it works. the triva starts at the first of the mounth and ends at the end. the way u play is u answer quetions. there sould be about 5 to 10 then from there they get harder and there be more of them. and each time the time to awser one of them get faster. so say u get 1` min to answer the first one then u get 40 seconds to awsers the next trivia and so on. u cant awnseres the next set of triva if u dont get in the top what ever and have to wait next mounth. and to stop people from entering who all ready one then they cant enter again till after 2 months

    let me know if any one needs help under standing it
  2. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    We had a trivia contest kind of thing for points before, it was run by loony, though they were so friggin hard.
  3. thegameman

    thegameman New Member

    dang it where there goes that idea becaues if it was done be then got stop then it might not happen but i will still try{i am very dramtaic online and perstent some times :D}