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New Golden Sun on DS..Should I play the previous ones?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by houstontx224, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Still making my way through GS on GBA..also, have the 2nd one as well. I'm really ready to play the new installment. Seeing and hearing good things. Is it important to the story to have played the 1st two in order to enjoy the latest installment?
  2. dorkdude2

    dorkdude2 Member

    I wouldn't know if it important story wise(I am getting a legit version for xmas), but I would still play the first 2 just because they are awesome and it is an amazing story
  3. meyere

    meyere Member

    I played the first version 5 times. That's how good it was (then again, it was my first RPG ever...). Dark Dawn does not require you to have played the others. There might be a bit of spoilers, but nothing too big. I never played GS2 but I finished Dark Dawn. I have to say it felt good to play GS again :D
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    In reality, the beginning of the game alone gives huge spoilers relative to how the journey evolves through the two games.
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

  6. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    I only played GS2, and I pretty much knew everything that happened. GS2 tells you about GS1, so yeah, it's enough.
    Go enjoy the new one...Or something. ;3
  7. AnimeLovee

    AnimeLovee Well-Known Member

    No need in the new one just read Sun Saga books in the game and it recaps the story for the first 2
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    If you actually have the first two games though, it's better to play them. It isn't like they're bad games. They're incredible and should be played.
  9. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Dunno about that, I hated GS2 D:

    Oh and if you are playing GS1, remenber two things
    - Beat the first game 100% to transfer all the good stuff for GS2
    - Play it on a emulator, even if you have the original. Speeding up th emulator when you are using the boat will save your sanity.
  10. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    Well, I played the first one and so knew a bit about the universe when going in, but I never got around to playing the second. I'm not having any problems storywise with Dark Dawn at the moment, the game is pretty explanatory and drums into your head at least four times the events of the first two games.

    I'd say you're fine.