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New Flash Cart (Need Opinions)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by xxdelta77xx446, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Alright so I was just minding my own business one night when suddenly my M3 Simply gets stuck on the loading screen. I reset my DS and the same thing happens. So I plug my microSD in my PC and it comes up as "Removable Disk K:" instead of "M3 2GB" or whatever I named it. Long story short, its dead and there's nothing I can do about it.

    So I decided to order a new microSD. This time went for a bigger one since I had to move roms back to my HDD when it got too full. It's in the mail right now, should be here today or tomorrow. I just remembered that M3 Simply doesn't do SDHC, and my package will be an 8GB SDHC. Now I really liked my M3 Simply because it was..well...simple, but I've come to terms and decided to get a new flash cart.

    I want one with at least all the features of an M3 Simply, that plus more is cool too though. More specifically, I want to be able to put my roms in a folder (not have to be on the root, I mean). I want it to support SDHC, obviously. I don't really care if it can play multimedia like moonshell did, because I didn't really use that. I want it to support some kind of cheat system, (currently I use r4cce to manage a cheat.dat) preferably something like the M3 Simply's cheat.dat, but I'm willing to try other things. I would like to be able to run GBA roms from Slot 1, but that's not super important. And finally I don't want it to be an M3 Real. I hooked my friend up on one of those and he didn't like it all that much, nor do I.

    Some of the ones I've been looking at are:
    • Acekard 2.1
    • CycloDS Evolution
    • DSTT

    If anyone could recommend any of these, or direct me to something closest to what I explained I wanted, I would be very grateful.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    CycloDS has good compatibility and nice enhanced features. But costs more than most flashcarts on the market. The added features (Real Time Save, In Game Text reader, and others) aren't worth the added cost to some users.

    Acekard2/2i has good compatibility as well, but less features. I don't believe it has Real Time Save. It does have a nice GUI though. (With AKAIO at least, never used Acekard official firmware).

    DSTT... is ok (better than many R4 Clones out there), but doesn't have the compatibility of the Acekard2/2i or Cyclo. And you won't save anything by buying it vs an Acekard2/2i.

    There are also numerous topics about this subject. I won't lock this one since it's generally unorganized right now until the new forum structure is released. But just realize that nothing new will come from these discussions that hasn't already been said.
  3. Thanks for the reply, and sorry for originally putting this in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where I should put it. I was leaning towards cyclo or acekard..I'm gonna wait for a few more replies though, so keep 'em coming guys.
  4. Yohko86

    Yohko86 Member

    I would suggest checking into getting a M3i Zero flashcart! I have a DS Lite and have used it four almost 4 months and I'm quite satisfied with it! It's:

    -Compatible with both micro-SD and -SDHC cards!
    -It operates on a dual-OS system (TouchPod and Sakura) for better ROM compatibility.
    -You can put your ROMs in folders.
    -In-game text-viewing (NDS games only).
    -Real-Time Save (3 slots for NDS games; 1 slot for GBA games) and Soft Reset.
    -Firmware updated often (like every 1-2 months).

    The average cost (w/o shipping) is about $23.00-30.00. And if you want to run GBA games, you have to buy M3's GBA Expansion Pack or the EZ Flash 3-in-1 Expansion Pack. Most people recommend the former for a less hassle in operating GBA ROMs, but I say do the research yourself to make sure. Also, most sites sell M3's expansion pack bundled and the only places I know where you can get them as stand-alones are:

    http://gamersection.ca/ (I got mine from here)

    I don't know who much the EZF 3-in-1 is, but M3's GBA Expansion Pack will typically run you about $20.00-22.00 (w/o shipping). Hope this info helps!
  5. Thanks a bunch, but I already ordered an Acekard 2.1. I didn't really want a new i-generation card, plus the Acekard can do all of that (except maybe real time save, but I didn't want that anyway).
  6. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    You may not be able to use it until akAIO 1.6RC3 is released.
  7. Why's that?