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New Card Help Please!!!! , New to Gameboy DS / flashcarts

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Koken, May 2, 2010.

  1. Koken

    Koken Member

    Hi, i got tricked into buying an R4 SDHC learning after i got it that its a piece of crap, http://r4sdhc.com/

    i tried to fiddle with it, the cheats not working, its clustery and clunky and i just am having a shitty time with it so...

    im saying fuck it

    i read about alot of people buying cyclo evos and im thinking of just buying one, price is not really an issue but w/e...


    is this the right product and should i get it or should i get something else?

    im new so don't flame me, ty


    i have a ds lite and i need it to use like action replay codes and stuff like that so i can get past some of that annoying black screen anti piracy stuff
  2. baytech08

    baytech08 Well-Known Member

    Hey there! I recently also gave up on my original R4, and I got an Acekard 2i, which works on every DS, including the DSi and DS Lite, which I have the DS Lite. I got it from here:
    The delivery was fast (within days), it's the real Acekard 2i and not a clone. I definitely think you should get an Acekard 2i instead, and get it from them. I would definitely buy from them again.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest purchasing the Acekard 2i.

    It works on all types of DS'. DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL.

    You can buy one here - http://shoptemp.com/products/Acekard-2i-Card-for-Nintendo-DS-DS-Lite-DSi-p-30.html

    I bought one from there and it works fine with the latest AKAIO.

    For setup if you do get the AK2i, then check here - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=38335.msg695431#msg695431
  4. Koken

    Koken Member

    thanks, yeah i was thinking about that also, but i kinda liked the Cyclos save thing, do you know if the cyclo has like an action replay editor of some sort or an easy way to use user made action replay codes

    what about the acekard 2i, does it?, im looking for something simple to use/setup
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    The Acekard is very simple to setup.
    Check out the link I provided. - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=38335.msg695431#msg695431
  6. Koken

    Koken Member

    ok, does it have the action replay thing where you can use a program and enter a code in for an action replay thing?
  7. baytech08

    baytech08 Well-Known Member

    Yes it does support Action Replay codes. And you can also update them over WiFi at anytime.
  8. lil_azn_a55a5in

    lil_azn_a55a5in Well-Known Member

  9. Koken

    Koken Member

    it doesn't work, i was looking at the woodr4 thread though, should i get an r4 and use that or cyclods evo? price not that big of an issue
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    CycloDS is a quality card with lots of features. If you can afford it and don't mind spending the money, you won't be disappointed. (Unless you have a DSi, in which case it won't work on it).
  11. Koken

    Koken Member

    thanks, yeah ive heard that about it, cost isnt an issue, im just worried about compadability, i wanna play mario and luigi bowser inside story, pokemon hg/ss, and all the newer games, would i have better compadability getting cyclo or r4 and using wood r4?
  12. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    CycloDS has better compatibility.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    To be fair, Wood R4 works with most games perfectly without any required patches. I'm sure games such as Mario and Luigi will work without a hitch, although I beat Mario and Luigi a few months back on my YSMenu. The new Pokemon games also work perfectly on the Wood firmware, I can personally confirm that. The only downside to R4 is that you get a 2gb card and nothing bigger.
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I didn't say Wood R4 was bad. But AKAIO and CycloDS are better.

    I would not suggest people go out and buy R4s, even if Wood R4 exists though. In my opinion, Wood R4 is a tool to help people who already have these lesser supported flashcart, not a reason to go out and buy them.
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    True. I like the Wood firmware, as I bought my R4 for only a few dollars without researching first. Thankfully, I ended up with an original R4 (lucky me), so the introduction of Wood R4 was like a gift from god. I wouldn't suggest anybody purchase an original R4 though unless they are so tight for cash that they can't spare the extra $5 to $10 for an Acekard.
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Personally, not a real justification to go and buy an R4 instead. The firmware just came a little late.