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New card for Golden Sun

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ufripf7, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. ufripf7

    ufripf7 New Member

    Okay, so I've had more than enough with the CycloDS Evolution's terrible support of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. I'm considering getting probably either a SuperCard DSTwo or an EZ-Flash Vi and a new MicroSD card along with it. From what I've read, both these cards seem to work perfectly with GS:DD, right?

    Anyway, what MicroSD cards are best for GS:DD? I haven't been able to find exact specs on what speed is necessary, etc.

    Is my current Kingston 2GB SD-CO2G Japan good enough, for example? Although, I might have to get a different memory card, since I'm assuming you can't have both CycloDS and SuperCard or EZ-Flash firmwares on the same card...

  2. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    either a supercard ds2 or acekard 2i should be good. these are the best carts right now. a great micro sd is a sandisk. these have the best compatibility with flashcarts. and i belive the class of the micro sd doesnt affect much. but get from class 4 or above
  3. ufripf7

    ufripf7 New Member


    So, I'll probably get the SuperCard DSTWO from these guys.

    I'd like to get a 16GB memory card but according to this topic (scroll down) some recent large SanDisks are slower than last year's, so maybe I should go 8GB? Or is there some merchant or other who's likely to have the faster ones?
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

  5. paperboat

    paperboat Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same position - but with EDGE instead.

    What's better; supercard ds2 or acekard 2i ??

    and where can I get these cards from in England? Most of the website I look at are only delivering in the US. Don't want to be sent a fake either... :S
  6. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    Eh... I didn't want to go into detail over on Golden Sun: Dark Dawn's AP thread, but I'll try to here. Acekard 2i's biggest feature is its AP Bypass, which can often go through AP without needing a patch. If a game doesn't work through it, it might need a new AKAIO (current version is 1.8.1 at last check). In rare cases, it might be your micro SD, meaning formatting or a new one might be needed in a worst case scenario. Apart from that, it also boasts Slot-2 compatibility, meaning you could use a card (such as the EZ Flash 3-in-1) there as well for either expansion purposes or if you want to play GBA games. As mentioned in my post in the AP topic, it's also usable on the DSi (at least up to 1.4.1, which I believe is the current DSi firmware). Keep in mind, however, that you won't be able to make use of any Slot-2 functions for obvious reasons.

    As for the Supercard DSTWO, it also often requires next to no patching. This is part in due to it having a built in processor, meaning the card's about as powerful as the DS itself. This allows it to emulate a literal game card; at most, you might need a new firmware if a game doesn't work, but they're usually one of the first to get one out if a case arises. The processor allows for other features as well; for example, it can boast its own GBA and SNES emulation (it does still have Slot-2 compatibility, though), both of which seem to be rather solid. As I don't have one yet, I can't say how good it really is firsthand. The former of those features is aimed more for the DSi, restoring its GBA compatibility in a way. The downfall, however, is cost; Acekard 2i is usually around $14-$16, $20 at its absolute highest, while the SCDS2 is $35 at its lowest. Those prices will potentially differ a lot for you, given where you live currently.

    Anyway... feature wise, SCDS2 is probably the way to go. But if you're strapped for cash, Acekard2i won't disappoint either.
  7. paperboat

    paperboat Well-Known Member

  8. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    A flashcard is mostly what it sounds like: a card that multiple games and applications can be applied to it through one way or another (the term mostly comes from older times, when similar stuff existed for the GBA, called flashcarts). Acekard, Cyclo, Supercard, etc. Pretty much anything you know that can play images or other applications is considered a flashcard. For the most part, though, they're almost all exclusively sold online. There's a few exceptions, though, such as Datel's Games n Music (which I believe has long since been discontinued) or Japan-only items for the SNES and GB (both are the ONLY ones to be officially recognized).

    Anyway, the site looks like it's legitimate to me. Detecting if anything there's a fake, though, is easier said. You'd need to find someone who's purchased something from there.
  9. ufripf7

    ufripf7 New Member

    Typical. I delay buying a new flashcard while the CycloDS Evo guys screw around for months, then they finally release a firmware update the day after I give up and buy the SuperCard DS2.

    Oh well, maybe I'll keep it for compatibility issues, in case this happens again. Or SNES emulation... what do you guys think? Worth keeping around?
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    if you already bought the dstwo, just give cyclods to someone else. you wont be disapointed with it. it is better than acekard since it doesnt bypass antipiracy, it does something different that makes it have perfect compatibility. and it is easy to use
  11. paperboat

    paperboat Well-Known Member

    Ok. Thanks Dark8 :)
  12. Bowser-jr

    Bowser-jr Well-Known Member

    Um, CycloDS has already release FW 1.61. It allows Golden Sun: Dark Dawn to work. It's just the edge card that needs to update now.