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New Addition to the Romulation Community

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Elfgirl, Mar 11, 2008.

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  1. Elfgirl

    Elfgirl Member

    I go by the name of Elfgirl, although I'm not really an Elf (big surprise there, 'eh?). Why I picked "elf" when I actually love demons is beyond me. Now that I have that bit of rant out of the way. I discovered Romulation about two days after my friend linked me to my first emulator, a GBA emulator, during a "I want to download a ton of games" frenzy. I was lucky enough to find it.

    I hail from a place known as Keystone state, better known as Pennsylvania.

    I enjoy video games, which is one of the reasons why I even found this site. I love the "Tales of" series, at least what I've played so far which is, Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss (who gave me the greatest video game character in a long time). I love RPGs, because they allow you to get immersed in an amazing story (if it's a good RPG) and kick serious tail while doing it. I'm also a fan of the Devil May Cry series, as well, as the God of War Series. (Especially the music for GoW, they've got some amazing tracks).

    Aside from video games I enjoy reading, and I am a HUGE comicbook fan. I absolutely love the Fantastic Four. To me they are the epitome of what a superhero team should be, not just partners but also a family. Not to mention that they have my favorite superhero in their midst, many people know her as the Invisible Woman. But I just know her as Sue the amazing because the women is basically a Goddess when you take into account what she has to deal with. Raising two children, while also caring for 3 overgrown children in the forms of Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, and the Human Torch (especially the Human Torch). On the other side of the fence over in DC Comics land, I love Starfire, who happens to be my number 2 fave hero. She's orange, she's sexy, she's loyal, and she kicks so much butt it's not even funny.

    I also enjoy writing. Who doesn't enjoy creating a brand new world and doing things their way? I also like to play around on Photoshop although I have no skill with it whatsoever, aside from making a nice looking avatar or two (1 out of 100) or making a layout out of boredom.

    I think I've rambled enough. I'm glad to be here and I hope to get to meet you all. :)
  2. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay :) If you are into digital design please be sure to visit my guild :)
  3. Elfgirl

    Elfgirl Member

    Thank you for the welcome, Almo. I will make sure to check it out. I might find my next hobby. :D
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Nice to see another victim of Pennsylvania weather here :p

    Welcome to the forums, hopefully you have a blast here.
  5. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation, enjoy your stay!
  6. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    A girl... on the... interweb?!?!?!?!?!ONE!!?!?!?!?!111!?!?! :eek:

    Please ignore that. Welcome to RomUlation by the way. ;)
  7. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Don't mind NeonFire he's rarely on the forums :p

    But i also hail from PA like Reider, and quite enjoy the weather that we have here.

    Anyways welcome to the forum, were pretty laid back about everything except for when it comes to grammar, but other than that enjoy your stay.
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Speaking of which, it's we're. :p

    Welcome to the community though, I hope you'll find it to your liking and feel welcome, if not then just let me know, can't have the big bad regulars go scaring new members away.
  9. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    [size=20pt]RAWR[/size] Just Kidding and when i say grammar i mean don't use internet shorthand :p
  10. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation, enjoy your downloads to the fullest!
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation, enjoy your stay.
  12. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    I came to say welcome but...
    I see seph gave you the biggest iglo.
    when i only have a small iglo.....

  13. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I think that's Igloo, notice the double O's

    Anyways, rmember that Phatom is okay to be ignored.... ;D

    Just kidding, he's completely acceptable to ignored, anyways, welcome...Young Elf...
  14. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Welcome and enjoy your stay.. You can ignore me i dont really mind For i am God Of Spamming The most evil in the forum so its okay
  15. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    He's not the MOST evil...the Grammar **** is.... I said nothing!
  16. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Ok than i am second to him because you do the same thing as i do that why you think he is most evil
  17. Elfgirl

    Elfgirl Member

    Wow so many welcomes!

    Thank you so much everyone! I'm glad to be here, and it'll take a lot to scare me. Haha. Just don't go showing me no grandma picture in a thong, I would die from scarring.

    As for the grammar, nothing to be worried about. I'm a stickler for grammar and correct punctuation, which at times drives me nuts since people love to use internet language. I'm ashame to admit I paid too much attention in English class. (Or so you would think.)

    Reider, you're not only from Pennsylvania AND you're also a Tales of the Abyss fan? I like you already! Haha. xD

    Airsoft, you get used to the weather, it's not so bad. At least when it stays in one seasonal pattern. It's been killing me lately how it gets cold one day and hot the next day, it does a number to my system and simultenously makes me sick.

    I can see how laid back the community is. I think I'm going to have a blast here! Thank you for such for the warm welcomes!
  18. rorybob

    rorybob Well-Known Member

    Welcome, you better store those warm welcomes in a jar, cos its cold in here! ;)
    I only needed to read the third paragraph.
    You are Win.
    ToS !!! Oh my Spaghediety i love ToS.
    Whos your faviorite(sp?)?
    I Think mines Kratos, cause hes just oozing the coolness, but i always had to play as genis ( I played co-op with my bro) so i like him too. :D
    (Some call me the god of weirdness >> <<)
  19. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I've made 37 posts since March 8th and I lurk more than I post (particularly at school where I'm afraid to login without getting my password stolen on the insecure network)
  20. Elfgirl

    Elfgirl Member

    Hehe. I'll store them in a nice airtight container, just to keep them fresh. *Lol.*

    It's great to see more Tales of Symphonia fans, we seem to be a rare bunch amongst the people of the internet. At least when meeting up randomly like this. I love the game, it was amazing and had me immersed for hours, all 4 times I replayed it! It was my favorite game up until I played Tales of the Abyss. If you haven't played ToA.... DO! It's so good and you get to see one of the best characters ever created, Colonel Jade Curtiss!

    As far as favorite characters go for Tales of Symphonia, I've always loved Raine. She's logical and although she might seem cold at times, you know she has a very caring nature, even if only shown with tough love. *Cough.* Yeah, I'm talking to you, LLoyd. You can't really blame her for being like that given what happened to her in her youth, which I won't say anymore not to spoil it for anyone. I like Kratos as well, he was a good character, I hated when he left the party, but then I got Zelos. Who I admit is my second favorite character. Sure he's pervy but deep down he's just a deep, complex (and you could also say tragic) character. Genis was awesome too. For a kid he had some POWERFUL magic, he kicked so much tail.
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