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NES games....

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kayleigh2108, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    can anyone recommend any good NES game for me please? I feel like I'm neglecting mine, so might go out and buy some more games for it, any ideas???

    Also, how good is Crystalis, is it really that good? Worth buying?

    I have things like the LOZ and Duck Hunt, and Gyromite. But if anyone can think of any other great games for the NES it would be good :)
  2. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Megaman/Rockman 1- 6
  3. Crashtehelf

    Crashtehelf Well-Known Member

    Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario 1 - 3, Zelda 2, Excite Bike, Double Dragon...just to name a few :p
  4. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    thank you, looks like i've got some shopping to do
    can't believe i forgot about mario, silly me :D
  5. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    has anyone ever played crystalis??

    what's it like??
  6. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Standard RPG fare....
    Worth a play
  7. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    thanks, think i'll have a look, since it's cheap enough to buy anyway :)
  8. DB_Odin

    DB_Odin Well-Known Member

    ninja turtles was a fun one if you have 2 people to play :p
  9. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    thank you, i'm sure i'll be able to convince someone to play with me :)
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wait, are you playing this on actual NES hardware?

    Kewl if you are! ;D

    Mine croaked in '96 :(
  11. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    Yes i am :D

    And luckily mines still going fine, i have the deluxe edition with the ROB and zapper.

  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You know, there are a lot of Japanese titles that have been translated to English lately, but you can only play them on an emulator, or on a Famicom with a Famicom Disk System copier/loader, but I wonder if you can get a hold of that. There are also Japanese SNES ROMs that have been translated, only playable on an emulator or on a copier/loader
  13. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Fire Emblem for NES was great, but it was only released in Japan so unless you know Japanese you might want to try Mike Tyson's Punch-out. That game is oddly addicting.
  14. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    I think i would prefer to play games on the nes rather than on an emulator though,i'm just awkward :) I like the idea of a famicom with the copier/loader though.

    Thank you :D
  15. kayleigh2108

    kayleigh2108 Active Member

    Unfortunately my japanese is terrible, after struggling through the japanese version of Phantom Hourglass, i don't think i would like to attempt it again :) An addictive game sounds good to me though, so i might have to give Punch-Out a try :D
  16. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    194x series is pretty addicting as well
    Contra too :p