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Neone here use Rpgmaker xp ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Paperbag51, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Probably not the place to talk about it but i figure if yall are on your computers alot and make games someone might have fussed around with it alittle. if so i could use some help maybe someone could give me some tips.

    ask for details if you have or still do use rpg maker xp.

    ~ Thanks in advance ~ Paper
  2. Manudark

    Manudark Member

    I use rpg maker xp to design games
    if you need some resources, scriptsn info or anything try those sites:

    www.creationasylum.net (good resources and a lot of scripts)
    www.rmxp.org (great scripts and resources)

    goodbye (sorry fot my bad english)
  3. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    Well the resource sites are good but I've actually run into a pretty big problem .. well time consuming neways. I've got a custom outdoor tileset. really its just all the other tilesets fused together but i don't want to go through and set directions and priority and all that other crap. Was just wondering if there was a file i could import that had all that information somewhere ? if you could help that would be awesome !